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Mao Cap

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Everything posted by Mao Cap

  1. Derby and Everton for me too. Wasn't even born for the 84 semi-final, but the infamous Marcus Bent game was more than enough. Shame the buggers are going to beat us twice this year (presumably in the last minute like always).
  2. By coincidence I was at Villa Park for the Villa-Chelsea game back in March, which was the first 19th-minute ovation for Petrov. So naturally I clapped along and all that, but there's little reason why the bulk of Saints fans should know about it. Villa aren't so bad, away support's always numerous and vocal - as it was yesterday - and there's a lot of sound guys amongst the gobby ****ebags (who of course are always the most noticeable). Sounds crazy, but their trouble is that they've never gone down. Since the 90s they've been stuck in a limbo of frustration - never as good as they think they should be, never so bad that their view of themselves is threatened. As a result they never stop believing in their right to wipe the floor with us or all the other "worst teams in the league"...hence being ****ed off ALL the time. Must be awful.
  3. That yesterday was disappointing, but didn't hold a candle to any of the last-minute gut punches in 04/05.
  4. She's genuinely mentally ill, as opposed to spewing out this rubbish to get paid like most tabloid columnists. Kind of sad, TBH
  5. Got to say, the thought of such a big bad keyboard warrior snivelling and whining for mercy in the police station really makes me smile
  6. Course I'd first heard of Kony and the LRA before the video started appearing on Facebook...I watched Machine Gun Preacher at the cinema back in December (mediocre film, but one of those where the subject matter alone makes it reasonably powerful) which was about exactly the same stuff but caused no stir at all. Odd, how people never try and look into stuff more deeply or check out the validity of sources. Google generation and all that, I suppose.
  7. Hello all (that remember me), it's been a while. Don't really post these days, but I thought those of us into their history (Fitzhugh, VFTT et. al.) on here might appreciate this. If this was already know then I apologise, haven't read about it anywhere else. Anyway, we all know that garbled Skate nonsense about a strike in Portsmouth which failed because of strikebreakers from Southampton (despite there being no record of this, Portsmouth being almost exclusively a naval port at the time etc. etc.) and also that it's utter rubbish. But I was doing a bit of reading on Wikipedia just now about the 1889 London Dock Strike - as you do - and also found this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southampton_Dock_Strike_of_1890 'Unlike the London Dock Strike, the strike in Southampton was marked by a certain amount of public disorder. Blacklegs from Portsmouth arriving at the railway station were attacked and large crowds gathered daily in the streets around the docks and, leading to fears of rioting. In response the Mayor requested assistance from the Home Office. The West Yorkshire Regiment was called in from Portsmouth, and the Mayor read the riot act. In the event, however, troops were not deployed, and streets such as Canute Road were instead cleared with the aid of the local fire-brigade, who opened their hoses on the crowds. The strike was called off on 15 September after the London-based executives of the Dockers and Seamen's Unions announced that they would not make the strike official or release union funds for strike pay. This decision caused enormous bitterness and resulted in the collapse of the Dockers' Union in the town. One lasting impact of the strike was that it led to the formation of a Southampton Trades Council to coordinate union action in disputes. The last word must be with one dock striker of the time, tired and without means to live other than returning to work: ”I had to face the police one day, and the soldiers the next, but on Saturday night I had to face the old woman, and that was the worst of all!”' So to sum up...legitimate historical sources indicate that it's the Skates who have a history of scabbing and letting their fellow workers down, not Sotonians
  8. What I meant was, "it's a priceless moment at 4:09, when the camera pans over Vitali Klitschko trying not to laugh". Wouldn't believe that I write for a living, would you? :-/
  9. Meh, usual goon show that you expect in the heavyweight division. 4:09, when the camera pans over to Vitali Klitschko trying not to laugh his arse off, is priceless! Watched some proper boxing (in the shape of the Kid Galahad-Jason Booth fight) instead.
  10. Complete embarrassment today, but then we always are at Millwall. All the goons figured out a long time ago that it's the safest trip in the country if you just go there in your overpriced 80s Casuals jacket, mouth off at the home fans (not one of whom they get within 100 metres of all day thanks to being in the upper tier in the ground and on "Coward's Walkway outside), get all lairy at London Bridge after the game when said home fans have been dispersed, and then go home thinking you're quite the hard nut... But most, of all - "Bubbles"? Really? Christ.
  11. A number of nice touches - the ale, the leather seats (even though I only sat in mine at half time of course) - made it a decent enough place to go. For me stuff like that more than makes up for the slightly odd half-finished appearance of the interior. Even the steward frisking me asked me how the trip down was - was at a loss for a reply tbh, never been asked that once in 16 years of going to away games! Despite all the mouthing off and that last season I'm chuffed for Brighton - as a Maidstone supporter (another club that'll be home soon after years in the wilderness) I can certainly relate.
  12. A real disappointment. Things got going occasionally, but in essence we had a roof this time and we were still f*cking CRAP. The usual "too many old people and women" theory doesn't fly for me at all. The proportion of 15-50yo men there was more than enough to make a memorable atmosphere but far, far too few seemed interested. It's f*cking Pompey, guys? You know, the team you sing about hating so much every single game? Christ. On the other hand, their fanbase is certainly not what it was either, in terms of singing or intimidation. Those laughable goons there today looked like shadows of the nasty bastards who were there in 04 and 05.
  13. Ignoring all the usual blah-blah'ing below the original posts - very sound analysis which I enjoyed reading. TY trousers.
  14. Funny as hell. If anyone ever needed an explanation why you should lead with your left - 2:10 should suffice! Cute girl and all.
  15. Gonna party like it's 1985...
  16. I have got irritated in the past about anti-skate songs being all that's sung, but today they only comprised roughly a quarter of all songs and chants, which is fine. Couldn't give a toss whether other fans think we sing about Pompey too much. Within limits I enjoy it.
  17. Don't know about you lot, but I have no doubt 18-year-old me would listen carefully to Future Me, nod earnestly throughout, assure FM that he'd taken it all on board, and then go on to make the exact same mistakes.
  18. I don't know about pointless. These threads can really convince people to give up their core beliefs. Take me, for instance. 26 years as a moderate socialist, then a month or two ago dune posts something about Rhodesia and that was it for me. Now I'm enraged by the idea of the minimum wage and welfare state, and can't finish a sentence without using the phrase "gold-plated public-sector pensions". See, there it is again!
  19. Well Osborne must be right if even the hardline Marxists of the London Evening Standard agree with him. Lol.
  20. Dublin Castle smells of sweat and is grubby as hell, had some magnificent nights in there though! The Elephant's Head has a skinhead night on Sunday last time I was there, was a good laugh.
  21. I got kind of sick of the Daily Mash after a while, but that is pretty good. Christ this thread fails hard, even by the standards of WOT WE NEED IZ A DEBATE ON IMMIGATION INNIT threads. Lol.
  22. Mao Cap


  23. Seriously. It's worth my weekly pilgrimage up to shoreditch to play 5-a-side just to take in the scenery! That said, Maidstone isn't all that bad - just baffles me how otherwise pretty girls with good figures choose to make themselves orange.
  24. Surprised by the olive hate, I usually put them in my sandwiches. Good for your skin, apparently.
  25. Onions Kidneys Peppers
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