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Ad Rock

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  1. Got tickets for Bad Religion Kentish town August...seen them many times, always put on a faultless performance! Support comes from UK punk oiks "snuff"....always very entertaining
  2. Hang by Lagwagon
  3. Look what I almost stepped in by the Vandals....
  4. I will give it a go, I have been known to make the odd poor decision on Football Manager, hello hatch, long time?
  5. Bad Religion, seen em several time when they come over here, awesome!
  6. Grey Britain by Gallows
  7. Great to be back Pancake, i've not been here for ages mate, have now re-located down to Poole, new house and new job etc (dont get as much internet fanny'ing around time as i used to).....I will pop on from time to time so keep those recommendations coming!...
  8. Which bit Pancake?
  9. The Feel Good Record of the Year by No Use for a Name, twin Les Paul assault and Mesa's set to stun!!!! Great melodies that will tattoo themselves to your brain!
  10. I havn't finished CM01/02 yet!
  11. Enjoying some Black Stone Cherry at the moment, new album on it's way to me very soon...
  12. Tainted Love - Soft Cell Moving on Up - M People Wake me up before you go go - Wham Only way is up - Yazz Wonderwall - Oasis Love Shack - B52's All of the above make me sick!
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