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Everything posted by SaintlySaz

  1. He's probably the only person who doesn't fancy him... 😏😏 Oh, you mean for the job. Sorry yes. As you were.
  2. I cannot tell you how nice it was to finally watch a press conference, after 3 hellish months, and not want to physically attack the person talking. It was so normal. So refreshing. He's not unhinged. It's quite beautiful to see 🥲
  3. I know a lot of people don't like Semmens, but ironically it felt like the club was better run when he was making decisions with no owner butting in to fuck it all up. The model couldn't last forever, and we needed investment, it's just a shame those who took over are so incompetent when it comes to running things.
  4. At least he's not Jones 🤷‍♀️
  5. And hopefully that'll bite them in arse sometime soon
  6. Doesn't make it right
  7. They also said it was fabulous under Jones, which is either a load of bollocks or team harmony doesn't seem to matter that much when it comes to results. I just want someone who knows what they're doing, quite frankly. He's had 3 months off, refreshed himself. It's not complete madness. I never actually said he'd agree, just that they should ask. The alternatives are even worse.
  8. Maybe SR just need to swallow their pride, ask Ralph to come back and tell the players to suck it. You play for the badge, the club, the fans and yourselves. You don't have to love Ralph, but just go out there and do the job you're being paid for. At least we'd have someone who had experience of saving us from relegation, and might not mind a 4 month contract...
  9. According to reports they were talking to Jones 6 weeks before they sacked Ralph. So not only did they disrespect Ralph, they did the same to Luton by tapping up their manager before the official interview process. SR might have put a lot of money into transfers, but they have fucked up everything else so far.
  10. This entire club is one big clusterfuck
  11. Is Marsch the most inspiring choice? No. Would he fit the style to which most of the players are accustomed, and the club as a whole have instilled in the last few years? Yes. Do I hate him as a person from the limited amount I've seen of him? No. So he'd be off to a good start in that regard. Especially compared to the last fella... Personally speaking, I don't pay much attention to managers so won't be throwing any alternative names out there. I just want someone who will get something out of these players, who doesn't sound like a total prick when he speaks and might help us rebuild when we inevitably go down. I don't know if Marsch is that person, but I'm just really grateful that it won't be Mad Nate.
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