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  1. I also went to school with him and used to watch him play for the school team and he looked pretty decent so not surprised he became a professional.
  2. Gaucho

    Sport Republic

    Hi everyone, I am very positive about this take over but can anyone enlighten me a bit more on Sport Republic? As they are an investment vehicle I was wondering about a couple of things: 1. What is their capitalisation? They have already (allegedly) spent somewhere in the region of £150 million. They have said they're going to buy more clubs so they will have to spend at least that again even if that is for more than one club. So even conservatively I would imagine they would need at least £400-£500 million to buy and invest (hopefully more in Saints!) Is there any information on how much Dragan and other investors have put in? 2) Investors invest to get a return. Where is this going to come from? Football is notoriously loss making and I cannot see how data analytics investments are going to give massive returns. All in all, however, this takeover has to be a good thing, especially as football people are involved and the noises being made are positive. Here's to a promising future!
  3. A lot of people have been concerned with the seemingly lack of statements since the new owner took over and where the club is going. My hope is that of the Wolves experience when they got taken over by Chinese investors. I read somewhere that they also kept quiet for over 18 months but had observers that took stock for that period so that the new owners could make informed decisions about the club. The success Wolves have had and the fact that Saints also had these observers, (someone posted that on here), gives me hope that this will be the case here. Of course it still needs the right decisions to be made and its probably the case that Krueger going is, at least, one of them. Here's hoping!
  4. I have also had problems with the site and keep getting sent to random sites, of which one was as a very explicit advert for a porn site. My concern here is that it could happen to any child that may visit this site. I may have to stop using it as it is very slow sometimes and Adobe Flash keeps crashing (less now I have upgraded Chrome).
  5. http://www.whoisjack****.com/
  6. Every player had a stand out moment.
  7. Thanks for the links, Saves me a lot of time!
  8. Aren't they the same?
  9. “'Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, whe were underneath it?' 'Supposing it didn't,' said Pooh. After careful thought Piglet was comforted by this.
  10. I am worried about irresponsible spending. Not so much with responsible spending.
  11. From my experience with journalists this sounds abut right!
  12. I posted a while ago (after Chelsea game I think) 2 rumours. One, that Cortese was going in the Summer because the family did not like the way Adkins was treated (came from a promiment supporter) and two, Ramirez was going to Fiorentina because his wife was not happy. It seems my source has been spot on twice!
  13. I posted this on the 15 player thread a while ago: Have heard a rumour that Ramirez is going to Fiorentina in the Summer for £15m as his wife is not happy here. No idea how strong this is.
  14. Have heard a rumour that Ramirez is going to Fiorentina in the Summer for £15m as his wife is not happy here. No idea how strong this is.
  15. I heard, at the Chelsea game, a rumour that Cortese will be gone in the Summer due to the owners not liking the way NA was treated. Have no idea how strong this is but it has, apparently , come from a reasonably high profile supporter, via a friend of friend etc.
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