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  1. You have to be on a wind up 😂 Fair play
  2. LOL They should have been ruthless and sacked Martin the second we won promotion. He was obviously not good enough for the PL. Writing a load of nonsense doesn’t change such an obvious fact
  3. I agree with your point and think he’s worth more.. But judging player prices based on what Southampton pay for them is a fools game 😂 We paid 20mil for Guido Carrillo
  4. This is just obviously wrong. He has been the same as Martin and that we lose the midfield battle before a ball is kicked, every single week.
  5. Absolutely spot on Playing the kids would be absolutely insane. We’ve already ruined the first team squad… let’s leave the young lads alone. Don’t want to wreck their careers before they’ve begun
  6. Osvaldorama

    Ivan Juric

    All I am asking is to see Downes/Fernandes/Lesley in a midfield 3. Try to win the midfield battle and give ourselves a chance to compete in a game. Instead we had Martin who thought Downes could be a one man midfield Now we have Juric who thinks midfields aren’t needed at all. 2 of the worst managers we’ve ever had. How can they both underestimate the most important part of the pitch so much?
  7. Agreed not watching any more of this shite. Horrendous, horrendous stuff. The worst it’s ever been for me, and I had season tickets in the previous relegation seasons. This team, management and entire club is just horrendous and doesn’t deserve our support. Absolutely dire. Seriously can’t believe what I’m watching at times. Fernandes is the only positive and the manager took him off and slated him to the press. Joke.
  8. Osvaldorama

    Ivan Juric

    Fucking awful manager. Just like the previous one. Still haven’t had our best xi on the pitch all season. If he stays, we are 100% breaking the lowest points record.
  9. Everything about supporting this club is fucking abysmal
  10. I still think this squad, as bad as it is, could be in touching distance of staying up with a manager that wasn’t completely useless. Martin was a joke and now Juric is even more ridiculous. I still dont think we’ve seen our actual best xi on the pitch once.
  11. Hopefully will be OK in the championship?
  12. He’d have to put in some tackles for that
  13. I think in summary, Spors has to overhaul the recruitment side of the club completely. The list that Turkish posted is absolutely harrowing. No club could thrive when wasting so much money on players that are absolutely nowhere near PL standard. We have to hope this new guy is good and given unlimited power to start again basically.
  14. Did juric say that yesterday? £20 mil well spent
  15. All I can say is “uh oh” The thought of their midfield up against the open space where our midfield should be fills me with terror
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