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Barry Horne

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Everything posted by Barry Horne

  1. Absolutely. Having good intentions does NOT make Lifelong the right man for the job. Everything we know about him from the past points to the fact that he's not cut out for it. He's already a laughing stock and to that end he's always going to be tainted. IF he manages a takeover, just imagine the fallout if things go badly in the first three or four months. The fans will turn against him just as we did against Lowe and we'll all be back to square one...possibly even the Blue Square one.
  2. Leave it as it is, it's one of the few bits of our recent history that we can be proud of.
  3. He already said tonight the first thing he's do if he got the job was sack the steward.
  4. How would we be shooting ourselves in the foot if it meant we got more people to buy STs? The priority for the club has surely got to be to entice as many people to pay for tickets up front and have guaranteed cash in the pot. That way, if God forbid we have another awful season, we're not going to see an empty stadium. MK Dons' ticket policy seems pretty inventive to me, especially the fact it's aimed at families. Having said that, I don't know what their take-up is for STs, I guess that would be the proof of the pudding.
  5. At least the players can't use pressure as an excuse if we're crap on Saturday. Let's see them come and out and give it what for right from the first whistle. The least they can do now is give their all to tray and make sure we don't start next season on -10. This will be a St George's Day we'll never forget.
  6. A year left on his contract so we'd get some sort of fee. This is how it's got to be right now, pretty much all our playing staff on the market. Prefer it when they go abroad though, doesn't seem quite so bad!
  7. Unfortunately I think you're right. The harsh reality is that it's very unlikely to work long-term, jeez just look at the trouble a lot of amateur clubs have with people falling out over how it should best be run or in which direction it should go. I applaud the enthusiasm shown, I'll even contribute money, and I will certainly pray that it works. Sad thing is my head is ruling my heart over this.
  8. Being an administrator pays well....
  9. As it says below: Saints in the Community was established as a charitable trust in February 2002, and approximately 100 000 children benefit from the Saints programme. The objective of the Trust is as follows:- "The charity is established for the promotion of community participation in healthy recreation for the benefit of children in full time education and disadvantaged adults residing in the county of Hampshire and the neighbouring area in particular by the provision of facilities and opportunity for the playing of and learning through football." Our primary objective is to delivering a professional and consistent coaching programme to children throughout the regions. But football is also a positive vehicle to support numerous mainstream agendas. Saints in the Community are committed to working in partnership with community groups. The Charity works with Schools, Local Authorities, County FA's, The Primary Care Trust and many more agencies, to support local initiatives. Football is a catalyst to overcome barriers throughout local communities and is a vehicle to encourage social inclusion and to support projects away from the core benefits of playing football. Saints in the Community are pleased to announce Francis Benali has accepted an invitation to become the Charitable Trust's Patron, and we look forward to benefiting from his wealth of experience and knowledge of the grass roots programme. Francis explained," Its great to be involved in such a worthwhile programme, my children have taken part in the coaching programmes over the years, and had a great time. Football is such an influential part of people's lives today, and through Saints in the Community we can make a difference in many ways."
  10. Nail on the head, well said.
  11. Oh for a team full of Benalis, Marsdens, Hurlocks and Monkous. What would we give for just a touch of an MLT, a Dodd, a Beattie or a Pahars? What we've needed this season is a sqaud of players who wear the shirt with pride. Players who crawl off the pitch at the end of the match because they can't give any more. With the odd excpetion, we've been let down time after time. It's all so desperately disappointing.
  12. Agree this would be nice. They could put in a collective amount if they're worried that some might look more generous than others. How about 10 per cent of a player's monthly salary? Surely even those players on a £1,000-a week-pittance can afford to hand over £400? My work has just asked us to take extra leave on an unpaid basis to stave off redundancies. How about the players agree to have two weeks off over the summer when they don't get paid? Every little helps....
  13. How much cash was raised from last week's bucket collection, anyone know?
  14. Furthermore, they want to dock us 10 points but know that if they do, and it's not a totally watertight ruling, whoever takes over the club could take legal action against the football league. It all comes down to the smallprint in the rule book IMO and how it can be legally interpreted.
  15. Got a feeling Rufus Brevet and MLT used to have the same agent in their playing days.
  16. Seems very reasonable. Free tickets for under 7s and then having age/price brackets for other sections of the ground is a good idea IMO. It means families can afford to go to games together, which is important to a lot of people.
  17. Could be worse, could be live on the TV too, which would mean no chance of a win!
  18. Barry Horne

    Great News

    What, Le God is playing tomorrow? That's my kind of miracle.
  19. Says what we've all been saying for the last six months or so....just not good enough.
  20. To be fair, you could say that about pretty much all of our players. Surman and Lallana have promised much at times and then consistently failed to live up to the hype. Ryan Smith today is another case in point. How hard is to get to the byline and deliver a decent cross? Too hard for our players it seems.
  21. Could be giving refunds after that first half.
  22. Agree with this sentiment. Everything I've heard from Fry so far very much indicates that he's looking at the future of the club, not just making sure debts are paid at whatever cost. Let's hop he's as sincere as he sounds.
  23. That's probably pretty close to the truth! He's scrabbling about in Barry's briefcase as we speak!
  24. I take it Lifelong's not a member of the consortium you prefer then?! Seriously, if he couldn't get his foot in the door at Bournemouth it's not going to happen here. (Please God). Surely the key to the administrator making the right choice does rely at least in part on wanting the best for the future of the club. If that were not the case, why have we gone down this path of trying to keep it separate from SLH?
  25. Surely the fact we've won less than a handful of games at home this season is the reason for the poor attendances. I've got a season ticket but have to admit the quality of football has been so dire that had I not had one, I'm not sure I would have forked out to go to SMS to watch the shower of sh*te being served up week after week. Blame Lowe, JP or whoever for that but I think it's safe to say that if the team head been winning games and scoring goals the crowds would have been a lot higher, regardless of the Lowe factor. Bottom line is, the entertainment was not good enough to tempt casual fans to dip into their pockets.
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