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Everything posted by amigo1
but defo no pay up pompey
first ever away game was fratton in 84, i ilive on the isle of wight so the most interesting part is always getting back to the ferry terminal. alan knights testamonial we were all being held in the ground so i had a word with a nice policeman who said he would escort me and my group across the pitch so we could sneak out the fratton end and on to the train, he said what ever you do keep yer mouths shut, ok we said. so were walking across the pitch we get to the half way line and the red machine come out of the tunnel to applaud the fans, as soon as we see them were all over them, opps cover blown, but we made it back to the ferry unscathed which is more than can be said in 84 when it kicked of on the train and the ferry. happy daze
i did it in the blue saints kit (1.25), loved it only got called scummer twice and was chuffed to steam past linvoy primus, i had a little word or two as i went past
trying to ring them now and the message said the phone sales are closed, will i be able to get tickets if i turn up ?
im in, three of us from the island goin
i too decided to get back into running after a twenty year rest (45 now) back in august 2010 i decided to lose weight, no probs lost just short of a stone then got stuck so decided to start running again to help with the next half stone, october i started gradually working my way up to my first 5k run after 4 weeks then in dec up to 10k, on a whim i entered a 10 mile road race in jan which i completed in 1,28. (very hilly course) i am now addicted to running especially trail running and i am scanning the lists of races and planning for the next two years ahead, (making sure no races interfere with home games ) so all in all good luck with yer weight loss and fitness programme, you got a five year start on me
jimmy, until he went off the rails, he should of used the drugs in moderation. that trip to brighton really messed his head up. i blame the face, jimmy looked up to him, but when jimmy found out the ace face was just a bell boy it tipped him over the edge. POOR JIMMY
the norths have produced a few decent players and their are a few boys comin through on the island now, lets get the norths on board
this deserves a thread of its own but i cant start them. yesterday after the game i went for a pint in the royal oak and guess what about 10 skates from the isle of wight were in there. i can only guess that they had been to the game to get on the data base so they could get skate tickets. if someone can cut and paste this as a thread i think i deserves one
"boy oh boyer" as the papers always seemed to say
awesome, those were the days of proper football
arsenal away, that new library looks nice
states from 1600 until 1800
i hear stuart pearce was at the game last nite
i hear stuart pearce was at the game last nite
he wont have time, i would expect the new boss to be here for the ajax game if not soon after
boo hoo mate onwards and upwards from now on
i cant believe that their are people like you who have not bought their season ticket already. show some loyalty and but yer ticket. totally agree with what you say about adams though. no skates needed thanks
do we now drop "the friends provident" part so the stadium is now just "st marys"
i met my hero (the great mlt) was in a pub, got chatting then offered him a drink, he said yes love one i will have a MALABU AND LEMONADE. i never recovered from that