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Everything posted by tdmickey3

  1. Tall Paul
  2. 5 from 14 Because we have a joke of a board and a joke of a manager
  3. Yeah but no but... progress
  4. We miss Jack 🤥
  5. The return of the big V
  6. Nice beard?
  7. Yep they will score again
  8. What a waste of a Saturday afternoon AGAIN
  9. KWP best player for us and will be a big miss after January
  10. Well it is Christmas
  11. Shambles Now for the complete collapse Pass pass give it away Pass pass give it away Panic panic panic Enjoy it lads
  12. PR fool defending a PR statement, what a surprise
  13. Spot on
  14. Its clearly a club directive to say this
  15. Most will stick up for him publicly but privately they will be mighty pissed of at being made to look shit and blamed for the stupidity he asks them to perform
  16. Fair enough
  17. Yep saw it
  18. Mate, what you say is spot on but trying to explain it to him is like speaking with a wall and expecting a sensible response
  19. 1st thing Rasmus did was put it in the shredder
  20. I know you are one of the cheerleaders and anything detrimental the man you idolise, just goes into the vacuum in your head. He was using it as as an excuse for the thrashing, he always offers up an excuse for the obvious shit show he is overseeing, but its never him at fault. Most of us can see this and accept it bar you and the other pom pom wavers
  21. He said it change the game, it didn't, we were getting stuffed and the the idiot that is Stephens would have made zero difference We were lucky Chelsea were wasteful it would have been 10 -1
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