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Everything posted by tdmickey3

  1. Don`t flatter yourself, I respond and react to lots of posts not just yours and don't often post as I only have 3 a day
  2. Guess you are more into the I`m a celebrity type and other "reality" type programmes Up to the individual though, isn't it? Why are you always so judgemental? Particularly about sadoldgit
  3. I reckon the dad is you
  4. You should do it Turks, you know everything about everything
  5. Some people think that's not a pen 🤣
  6. Back in the days of our miserable exits from major competitions we were competing with far better national sides then we are now and out classed but now we have a squad that is actually decent bar a couple of duds. We are now competing against countries that are far weaker than they were, Germany being a good example. This was one of the best opportunities we will likely ever get and ultimately failed again as we always seem to do when coming up against a better side Its a shame but its the reality of the situation
  7. So what, these super stars take the piss out of fans, running in front of them making gestures so why shouldn't it happen amongst players
  8. Don't be such a melt. Fans take the piss mercilessly, nothing wrong with players doing it to
  9. It would be but not this tournament
  10. Apples
  11. Terrible for most of the half and brilliant for the other bit
  12. They are saying it because its true
  13. World beaters now
  14. Not posted for any reason other than memory refresh. What do i need to try again
  15. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.dailyecho.co.uk/sport/23060554.amp/&ved=2ahUKEwjAk7i97dP7AhUabsAKHcRYDQAQFnoECBgQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3V-SrxhqgyuiybSQETdojN
  16. Are you sure, we`ve just conceded to Iran 🤣
  17. We will look appalling when we play anyone decent
  18. Smashing em`up.... Gonna win the World Cup I tell ya😵
  19. War?? Just sick of trying to read threads of interest and having to see them get ruined by the constant targeting of one poster I am hoping the mods will put an end to it TBH
  20. Yes he is
  21. Face facts Skate, we are pretty shit at moment but not at the depths of shityness you lot are at
  22. Keep posting mate, dont let the obsessed drive you off the forum. I fully agree with you, this country has gone to the dogs, the government are a utter embarrassing mess with no signs of it improving and brexit is an absolute failure, i would call it a joke but the fact that the a huge number of businesses are suffering because of it doesn't make it remotely funny.
  23. You should be working and not skiving 😉
  24. It was Batman i think
  25. Do you ever give it a rest, have a day off, we know where we are
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