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Everything posted by tdmickey3

  1. Edited it for you
  2. 🤢
  3. We keep kicking it into our own box from all positions including from the edge of our opponents box, no one does that, we are setting new standards #Brave
  4. Not sure but Martin is giving it his best shot to earn the award
  5. More PR from club
  6. We all know what you really are
  7. Hair and beard studio
  8. Cheers, you posting history proves you have no knowledge of football due to not being able to post for yourself. Your are just a puppet,
  9. Someone turn the light on and this cockroach will run for the shadows
  10. Irrespective of whether he proving himself to be angry or not, you have categorically proved you are a prick
  11. If you like, I don’t give a shit. We were promoted, just, with one of the best championship squads so we should have been top 3 but we managed to do so, the resident clown had to change the style because the hopeless Bazuna hurt himself. Truth is you would not be so gobbyif we failed. Failure will be on the cards if we keep the idiot next season and we won’t hear your crap then Talking of minds,yours is determined by your employer, try thinking for yourself for once
  12. You are definitely here as a club plant and have changed your tact because you know something is up. And you are not Pinder but you are a cunt
  13. Hahahaha it was pissing down for a lot of it
  14. Can someone post a summary of his bull please?
  15. Yes but not a worse manager than this useless deluded fool
  16. Can’t wait to hear silly bollocks summary of that shit he created
  17. Stop with the praise ffs its worse than that
  18. We have progressed today we have made it to 8 points adrift, well done RM
  19. Here we go….. PR with early response today
  20. Lucky to have 5
  21. Russell Martin masterclass So enjoyable Looking forward to the PR plant posts bigging this one up
  22. Sack him FFS
  23. 5 from 14
  24. Tall Paul
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