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Everything posted by tdmickey3

  1. "The lunatics are running the asylum" is a well used statement but on this occasion is right on the money
  2. Cross
  3. He`s is at the flat earth believers conference
  4. Waddle
  5. Now the old leather faced tinpot party company leader has chipped in about Ukraine, who actually thinks his opinion matters?
  6. I had almost forgotten about the fat liar
  7. Its all part of the Liverpool love in 🤮 There will be a Sky Sports Liverpool soon, its virtually that now
  8. Depends on who you ask I reckon
  9. tdmickey3


    Thing is, he is not at all embarrassed by it, he actually believes he is justified in what he says but I'm sure that even some of his close team are ...
  10. tdmickey3


    Wow, he is more of a cunt than even his worst critic could claim..
  11. Abate
  12. I thought he would identify as a less intelligent version of plankton
  13. Nic, calm down and stick to the conspiracy theories, you are good at that.. Do one about the earth being flat or the government controlling us with vapour from aircraft or something...... it will add some amusement to your posts
  14. Nutty niccy boy is having ANOTHER meltdown
  15. Yep and should be a yellow but of course it’s not
  16. To be completely factual…. You are a bit of a penis
  17. Do you ever stop snivelling, save your posts for your ridiculous conspiracy theories, they are so hilariously entertaining
  18. Club groupie talking shite, who would have thought it
  19. Yep and the ignoring of the 2nd yellow offence by Konate…. Cant send a Liverpool player off at anfield, it’s in the rules
  20. It isn’t worse but very similar
  21. Muscle memory
  22. How easily you forget,the Spurs game at home this season is by far the worst, this is shit for sure but not as shit as that pathetic showing
  23. Whos looking forward to getting beat by the smelly lot down the road.
  24. Going to be utterly smashed
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