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  1. Stupidity
  2. tdmickey3


    Trump, Musk and Vance 😉
  3. tdmickey3


    He doesn't seem to post as much of his looney stuff, probably because he wastes his daily quota grizzling about SOG Shame because they are funny
  4. Skin
  5. Neil Shipperley
  6. He was round the back messing about
  7. Pontiff
  8. Yeah, but who`s fault is it.... ? got to be somebody's fault surely
  9. Yep and then blamed the shelves
  10. Yep, the egotistical fool was deluded enough to think it would come good..
  11. He said: "I think the biggest surprise for me was just the athleticism and the power. The individual quality and the ruthlessness of the Premier League now. This particular part sums up his arrogance and stupidity, did he not actually bother to watch any Premier League football? Anyone with an ounce of football knowledge would have known this...
  12. Cause
  13. Event
  14. tdmickey3

    Ivan Juric

    Of course you would 🙄
  15. tdmickey3

    Ivan Juric

    Yep, I was wrong but only just. Will you ever admit your rose tinted fawning was wrong?
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