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  1. Once you have been there you feel like you need a Bath, that's for sure
  2. Newcastle
  3. Because SFC sacked his cuddle buddy 🤮and that nasty new man shouts and demands he trains hard and doesn't get so many days off
  4. Yep, its a minefield, hence I took up the advice from an expert.
  5. Like you I had little idea about this stuff either but was recommend these people to assist with it, I feel its nearly impossible to ensure you make the right decisions without help, although egg seems clued up. www.lionheartwealth.co.uk
  6. You do know that having a IQ of 3 is not good don`t you ?
  7. Hughes
  8. Alphabet
  9. You could certainly do with some medicinal help
  10. How childishly eloquent
  11. No, are you? Your comment is knee jerk
  12. Practice for next season
  13. Sherwood watching a different game to me…. Idiot
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