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Everything posted by hoozonside10

  1. +1 (And thats my last post so ... +2!)
  2. Not sure if I should be optimistic or pessimistic at this moment in time... one of the guys here says other message boards (echo/606) are doom and gloom saying that the only buyer left on the table is only interested in the stadium. I guess they know as little as most of the people on here..
  3. who gives a ****? How can I forget this bloke if you lot keep bringing his name up all the time . Aren't things bad enough as it is without our clubs nemesis being constantly brought up. Please move on.
  4. Hindsight is a wonderful thing, but surely even you must admit it would have been better keeping NP than diving into the unknown with the disastrous Dutch experiment?
  5. I hold my hands up and admit that I thought the Dutch experiment would work out ok in the end and that losing NP wasn't the worst thing we could do. I guess we'll never know how he would have got on here this season but it sure as hell couldn't have been any worse than what did happen. This is the worst I have felt in 35 years of supporting SFC.
  6. I totally agree - this bunch don't seem to care, the only problem I have is that we've now played the "kids" who were supposed to be the ones who gave a damn, who else is there? Next season we are going to either rely on whoever we can drag out of our current reserves as any half decent players we do have will be off (no great loss agreed) or league one journeymen - who wont care at all as they know they will be surplus to requirements come the end of a successful season (again, it is understood this is far from a given!). I suppose at the beginning of next season we should just be grateful if we still have a club to support.
  7. that is the funniest thing I've read on this forum ever. I LOL'd plenty, thanks for temporarily lifting the gloom! Oh, and it's true!
  8. It was interesting to see that Luton's new owners had to take a 20 point deduction to allow them to carry on participating in the league. Let's hope that doesn't set a precedent.
  9. great goal from mcG... Far better commitment from the team as a whole, good to see another solid performance from JPS, but Palace were truly awful, even Warnock looked totally disinterested. However I guess we can only beat what is put in front of us! COYR!
  10. I don't want to start a ****ing contest but I would probably wager I've been to more games than you over the years sonny! Including this season. Now stop antagonising your fellow fans and support the team, do you remember how to do that?
  11. I've just bought six tickets... Managed to get some gooners to go with me and my son as they felt they wanted to support their local club in times of need. Hope they didn't mean palace!!!
  12. Unfortunately, I believe Derby went into administration before the 10 point rule came into being. I see no problem with us not being deducted 10 points, and any other club would do exactly the same thing in our situation ;so let's concentrate on winning a few games and let the FL close the loophole after us.
  13. It's a bit like the Nigerian scammers - they send out countless numbers of emails knowing that most people will ignore them, they only need a couple of positive responses and it is money well spent. As earlier stated it is a very cost effective form of promotion - don't see the problem myself.
  14. I totally agree - hey, Stanley... checked out my IP address out yet??? LOL
  15. LOL - sorry to disappoint you but you are 100% wrong. As this is my last post, let me assure you I am no Lowe Luvvie, I am a fan who wants the best for this club. If that means getting rid of Lowe and his lot then great - get them out.I just wonder who is left to pick up the pieces? Leon Crouch? If he is the saviour then we are no better off. I think it is sad but typical of this forum (and others to be fair) that anyone who seems to want to express a point of view that is not what the baying mob want to hear is immediately abused/ridiculed/accused of being a Lowe Luvvie!! That last one really does make me chuckle. I'm sure the "Lowe luvvies" are just as bad.
  16. Wow - I expected some kind of toy to be thrown but not that quick! You say I am taking the high ground but in the same paragraph infer that you are more bothered about carrying a banner than if we go down or not.. you couldn't make it up! There is nothing more (from a football point of view) that I want than us to stay up this season...I wonder... would you see us relegated and lose Lowe and his cronies, or stay up and keep "Rupey baby"?
  17. This club is not relegated.... yet. But if fans create hostile environments it WILL be reflected in the players performances. Isn't that obvious??? Yes, they have been crap this season, but if everyone just gives up now there is no hope, and hope is all I have left to hold on to at this moment. Melodramatic sentiments possibly, but better than some of the ****e I've read on here over the last few days/weeks - the lunatics are taking over the asylum, or at least the forum.
  18. Actually, I am just a saints fan, (ex service too) - the name Hoozonside10 is nothing to do with Lee Hoos, it's simply a reference to David Colemans line when Bobby Stokes scored in '76. Isn't it bizarre how we see things which were never there... I read this site every day, I'm usually one of the 'quiet' ones who lurk in the background - to be honest I didn't understand half of what you said, but I certainly didn't take it personally!
  19. I don't know ONE person who would die for Southampton Football Club. I have no doubts about LC's passion for the club, however I don't remember him being particularly successful the last time he was in charge. I tend to agree with NickG in that Lowe and Wilde must go, but we really need someone who can take the club forward, and LC is not the man for that. As always, those who shout the loudest seem to think they should be listened to - but it doesn't mean they have anything to say.
  20. This really does remind me of Lowes last few weeks of his previous time here. Anyone heard of Lord Haw-Haw? It pretty amuch amounts to the same thing. If the board really think that the supporters/fans of this club are dense enough to fall for such utter clap-trap they should be ashamed. I really am lost for words.
  21. If you click on 'Author' and check out the email address at the bottom I think you will be enlightened!
  22. I don't understand the total love-in for Strachan, it was his lack of ability to change our playing style that started the freefall that (ineviteably??) ended in relegation. Doesn't anyone remember the dire stuff that was played out in the last few months of his time here (and I mean before it was announced he was leaving). He did the same at Coventry and got them relegated - he just jumped ship before exactly the same happened to us. Granted it wasn't all his fault but he certainly started the rot.
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