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Everything posted by Dirkdiggler

  1. Tbh that’s indicative of the coaching rather than the players. If given 6 weeks of proper training then they’d have been able to bring through more than 1. Having been involved in youth football for 8 yrs there’s a lot of rough diamonds out there that given the correct coaching would make solid players. My experience of the clubs youth goalkeeping coaches is that they’re not interested in coaching and development at all.
  2. That’s because they guy running it wasn’t interested is coaching lads to become good he wanted off the shelf team ready keepers. A major short sightedness IMO the club should invest in coaching unpolished gems. There’s plenty out there who could come good given the opportunity and coaching.
  3. New GK definitely required can’t be making those mistakes when games are important. Mistakes like that will again cost us points this season.
  4. Fonte lives near Salisbury not Winchester
  5. His subs again cost us points! A complete clown!
  6. Tbh it does depend on when they stop frames on the video. It’s milliseconds either way. It certainly wasn’t clear and obvious as per original VAR directive. the 1st goal disallowed would’ve been a case for clear and obvious if not flagged by the linesman.
  7. Well from optimism to shock at that line up! WTF 2 players who shouldn’t be in the squad starting, our best CD not even on the bench, World Cup player not in the squad!!??!?
  8. Pretty much explains it… https://youtu.be/1QD0-tGbxcQ
  9. Bring in Jess Thorup to work with Selles again? https://totalfootballanalysis.com/head-coach-analysis/jess-thorup-202122-fc-kobenhavn-tactical-analysis-tactics
  10. Southamptons Will Still
  11. Tbh never looked at him but having watched a few videos this evening he does look a good fit. Defiantly better than some of the names mentioned and more obtainable than others. Not against this at all 👍
  12. Go out and beg and convince Bosz to take the role!
  13. It’s annoying that although we’re not completely cut adrift and it’s still possible we could do another “great escape” with Jones at the helm it doesn’t seem possible.
  14. It’s quite easy you write down your best players and then see how you can set the team up to accommodate them. No point is pissing about with players who haven’t produced like Ely, Jan B, adams, arma, diallo etc etc
  15. Bosz
  16. Don’t think the club has read the room very well 😂 think the replies speak for themselves.
  17. Crook is full of shite and has no clue
  18. The board must know that keeping him on for wolves would be a complete cluster fuck?!? The atmosphere at the game will be toxic this won’t help the players at all. Sacking him before will have the opposite effect.
  19. I agree in principle but we have a squad set up and capable of playing a much better system. I think a manager with proven pedigree would inspire the squad If we appoint a “big Sam” type manager then within a year we will all be moaning again about how the team are playing we don’t have the players for that style of football.
  20. https://breakingthelines.com/manager-analysis/the-making-of-peter-bosz/
  21. Hopefully this is correct. Next hope is the board get the right man in this time! Let Selles take the Wolves game and then new man in place? Big appointment needed. 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻
  22. If we could could convince Peter Bosz to take charge I really think he’d be perfect for us, good with youth players, plays attacking football uses 4-2-3-1/-4-3-3. https://www.footballcoin.io/blog/bayer-leverkusen-2019-2020-bosz/
  23. Luckily we weren’t bottom at Christmas
  24. He wasn’t far wrong though
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