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Everything posted by HeShootsHeScores

  1. actually, here's their main site: http://www.utopia365.com/iphone-development
  2. http://www.taleetalee.com/ - excellent local company doing iphone development.
  3. nah, alt-F4 is much better
  4. Ok, here goes: 1. Nothing concrete confirmed by the administrator 2. Couple of news sources trying to fill up couple of minutes of news time with a speculative story 3. Endless pages of unfounded panick and drivel on here Think that about sums it up
  5. What are you on about??
  6. Are you lot manic depressives or what? I'd suggest getting out in the sunshine for a bit!
  7. But the two are inextricably linked, I don't know why you can't see that. Are you telling me that MLT spent his entire career playing here just because it was a job. No, he invested himself emotionally as well, otherwise he would just have hopped off on to the next gravy train at the first opportunity. And here you are asking us to compare him to the club administrator who will sell us to the highest bidder, whoever that may be! The answer to your question is no by the way!
  8. Oh please! now I've heard it all!!!! The man is doing his job, plain and simple. I'm not sure why people seem to think he somehow has a soft spot for us or is doing an extra specialy good job for us. He is an administrator, it's what he does! Yes, he may be very good at it, but please stop all making out that he is somehow interested in what happens to the club long term. All he is interested in is getting as good a deal for the creditors as he can.
  9. The title of this thread is somewhat misleading TBH. It suggests the poster knows something WILL happen this week.
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