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Everything posted by Spark

  1. Where was i referencing specific seasons regarding mane? i wasnt. I was talking about how over the longer period the selling mentality caught up to us because our recruitment went to shit for various reasons. Eventually it will catch up to you. Cant replace half a squad each year and expect to pull that off forever. Even some big clubs have struggled recruiting correctly, look at united. We got too big for our boots because of Paul Mitchell's transfer list and then Koemans buys the next season, plus a good academy group. Not realising we'd already lost the two main reasons we succeded at that strategy , Koeman and Mitchell. And we also had a much worse academy group post selling strategy being implemented. Plus again, a choice to step down the quality we bought in for more numbers. Cant have a selling strategy then choose to downgrade the recruitment quality for pure numbers of players. Thats mental when youre tryna take the next step up. We never recovered. Its a combination of mistakes by various people at the club, but the common theme is , selling everyone and poor recruitment. ..and Redmond being the replacement for mane sums that up. Oh and yes mane deal, we 100% got ripped off. Whats with deluded people here ffs. You dont sell early in the window, see the pices double, then claim you got a good deal because was a record at the time. Thats just tryna cover up that you sold too early in the window mate. When is selling early in the window ever a good idea ? Seems you must of forgot about us selling right at the start of the window. We sold mane, then within a few weeks could no longer afford a replacement on the same sort of level as prices had jumped after us selling him early in the window. Thats not a good deal at all. If you can explain to me how selling him so early was a good idea, then i'll concede, but until then, it cost us. Should of got 50m all day long.
  2. I read one sentence of that. then stopped reading because youre obviously an absolute mong. Type of numpty that lead to our club being ruined, happy clapping cunt. And yes took me a while to reply bcause some of us have lives and dont spend every waking moment on a forum licking the arse of the football club If you think selling strategy has nothing to do with our curent situation your fucking deluded. End of discussion. Go slap yourself old man. Cunt.
  3. Mindset? So that means you have the mindset that constantly selling is ok? Fucking deluded or what you doughnut. Going down and youre stil defending it all. Wake the fuk up . stop being a bootlicker. For the selling to work you have to constantly get recruitment right. Yet we relied on 2 people and let them leave then wonderd why our buying wasnt any good after that. You cant constantly be succesful with that method, its unsustainable. Even the best wil mess up the recruitment eventually, their recruitment staff being tempted elsewhere etcc. . It just doesnt work long term. Also, you cant predict how markets will change so it carries the same risk as the stock market or housing market. You might sell a player then prices jump...EXACTLY like happened with us with Mane! So we lost out on 30m and it meant we couldnt replace him to anywhere same standard without spending all of the money we received for him (pathetic 33m). Then we blew the rest on shite for europa, again, because prices had jumped. You have to be lucky AF for those tactics to work.
  4. He just set his dates too early and youre making out it makes the whole main jist of his point invalid. Stop being a pedantic arse ffs. The sales caught up to us , we had like 20 points less the next season after selling everyone, yet a poor league covered it up with league position. Replacing mane with remond oh yeah we really kept at it the same way didnt we, didnt affect us at all. Lmao what. You les reed in disguise or what?
  5. Come on man, you knew what he meant. yes we did well while using paul mitchells list he made (and claiming it was the black box lmfao), and then koeman making up for him leaving with some great buys that were clearly the managers (Pelle, Tadic etc etc). But after koeman left we got puel and actively chose to downgrade the level of player we were buying in order to have a larger squad for europa. The level of player we buy in never increased back to previous levels after that, just got worse. We actually got hit double as bad because just after we sold everyone, prices rocketed (lost out on 30m the summer mane went because we sold him early in window before prices rocketed). Plus academy not giving us anyone compounded the issues even more.
  6. Point out one thing i said thats chatting shit. Back up your words dont just mouth off. I simply said its all speculation as we have no evidence. Where did i ask for video evidence? I simply said without someone filming every single thing behind closed doors, its going to be speculation and chinese whispers. Add in the fact frank was his mate ten years prior so obviously frank gunna talk him up. Also 'chump' ? Are you 80? LMFAO Hush your gums old man , cant even read so argues abut things i didnt even ask for . Now THAT is jesus wept.
  7. Mate stop chatting nonsense.Pull your tongue out rasmus's arse ffs. Muppet.
  8. Is all of that fact though? Or are you just speculating? Unless you see actual video or written proof you cant say for sure who did anything. Football is half PR. And the frank thing, theyd known each other for ten years before brentford. So its not like he did some amazing scouting and found some unkown. He employed his mate . So anything frank and rasmus say has to be taken with a pint glass of salt imho. They gunna back each other.
  9. Well he failed at that as well, was so anxious to sell everyone to his favourite club liverpool , that he blew his load too early and lost out on like 20million+ on Mane alone. By the end of that window prices had practically doubled, united bought pogba for 90m, but we'd already sold our star player early on, who was one of the best to do it in the prem, for only 34m. Wanyama for 11m. Mane should of gone for 55m+ all day long by the end of that window. People might say but thats hindsight....but i would say is it really though? When is it ever good to sell your star player early in the window?
  10. Couldnt make it up, Liverpool. Hope he goes to united then lol
  11. is it common though?
  12. Oh yeah thats right, i'd completely forgotten about that even though they explained it to me before, I only remembered they have to wait to find out when it was or something , something to do with spotting the moon? I cant remember the details. Theyd always let me knw when it was starting so i'd understand when im around them lol Also worth pointing out some of them didnt observe ramadan, so even though i got details of the players that are muslim, some may be more casual about it and not do it.
  13. Mohamed Elyounoussi ''There was even a pizza named after Elyounoussi on the menu, although his Muslim faith means he has never tasted the Moi Special''https://www.southamptonfc.com/news/2022-04-28/southampton-fc-mohamed-elyounoussi-on-ramadanWatch as Southampton forward Mohamed Elyounoussi discusses his Muslim faith and how he experiences the month of Ramadan as a professional footballer. Ibrahima Diallo ''talks basketball, his Muslim faith and his first year in England'' Kamaldeen Sulemana ''There are many Muslims like me, who left their origins to come to Techiman'' Mohammed Salisu ''Attributes Recent Slump in Form to Ramadan 'https://sportsbrief.com/football/southampton/16122-mohammed-salisu-says-ramadan-has-affected-his-form-at-southampton/ Southampton stars Salisu, Djenepo and Diallo struggled during Ramadan – Hasenhuttl https://www.goal.com/en-gb/news/southampton-salisu-djenepo-diallo-struggled-ramadan-hasenhuttl/1hp1xkybbhqiz1nn2b6uat1jco So 5 players will be on ramadan, 3 of which have used it to explain slumps in form before. I know quite a few muslims irl and they struggle to do anything during the day duing ramadan, let alone be pushing their bodies. Usually theyre (understandably imho) in a generally bad mood too. Some cope better than others though. Dont want to sound harsh but if we had a whole team suffering like that it would be nightmare, 5 is already a lot. Also, to explain it further for people. They have to fast during daylight hours. That means no food OR drink. In Northern Europe that means they have to fast longer if its getting dark later. Although it seems to be starting slightly earlier this year by a week or so. EDIT: https://www.skysports.com/football/news/11661/12839201/ramadan-match-officials-asked-to-provide-opportunity-for-muslim-players-across-premier-league-and-efl-to-break-fast Just seen this during my searches
  14. They just play for the cameras in the big games to get their move because we told them they would get that when we bought them.
  15. I agree, our recruitment is crap compared to before. But honestly im convinced Black box success was just Paul Mitchell's list he created, with some great manager (Koeman) recomendations/buys post Mitchell leaving ,making us think we were doing fine without him. Since Koeman left it revealed our recruitment issues and we havent managed to make as good buys. Not on the same level. I havent kept up with Mitchell in the years since he left us though,he might of fell off, i remember there was some issues at spurs. But at Saints it seemed a perfect fit.
  16. Do you think they are putting in 100% for us?
  17. JWP and Armstrong but thats it. Posted similar couple months ago, dont rate anyone we have bar those two really. Not like we know anything about any of them these days anyway. Just a bunch of strangers bar Prowse. Tbh i reckon thats half the reason why they stopped most of the behind the scenes stuff, the less attatched the fanbase are to the players the easier it is to sell everyone. So they keep the players as strangers to the fans bar their initial signing interview. Yes before internet we ddint have that anyway but in those days the players were a part of the community more so fans got atatched like that plus on the field performances. Nowadays most dont even live in the same city as the club (most in winch) and bar charity events/hospital visits (which seems like only prowse does anyway) arent involved with the city tbh. So a bunch of strangers playing crap (who weve been told have been bought to make a profit on asap, not commit themselves long term)=no one gives a toss if they go. Convenient how they show effort for chelsea. Bunch of mugs just playing for the cameras in the big games to get their move. I would say championship is a good opportunity to have a clear out of them all, but with SR in charge theyre going to buy the same cheap options , just a level down from before. I can see them taking us back to league 1 in their attempts at a failed experiment. Like others have said, JWP leaving and breaking the record elsewhere will hurt though, hes from the era when we were still a decent club.
  18. aboslutely disagree, fact is he has always been crap. what is happening to saints is what happens when non football people like semmens run things.
  19. I'd love to know the demographics of our travelling away fans versus the fans that only really go to stmarys.
  20. Finally. Hopefully he hits the ground running
  21. Would make total sense to post similar comments for past 3 years, or has the past few years all been a nightmare and im going to wake up tomorrow with us having had amazing strikers on our books the whole time?
  22. Spark

    Sport Republic

    Agree regarding fanbase, wouldnt surprise me if that played into SR buying us, knowing kickback from the fanbase would be minimal during their experiment. IMHO its a combination of things, but the people that post online carry a lot of blame in my eyes eg on Facebook , Forums, Saints Reddit etc (ESPECIALLY admins of facebook fan pages) Any time anyone citisized the club, they got jumped on by the happy clappers that have only been watching since our prem return. Get enough of that and the person thinks maybe it is me just being negative. Rinse and repeat for however many years and dissenting voices are less and less. Add into that the fact many of our fanbase have lost interest during these past years of seeing us return to the 90s Saints form of just clinging on, knowing it could of all been so different and very nearly was (fighting for top 4 a few years back, those were the days) and we end up where we are with loads of placid fans. Then theres the whole family club model, Saints want families not young men. and sorry to say, I know a few families like that and they see it as much as a family day out as caring about the results/how the clubs run etc. Obviously everyones different, but its something ive observed. Also tying into the the demographics of our fanbase, in years past it was a mainly working class fanbase, not so true anymore. Stand near the gound on matchdays and listen to the accents of our fans as they walk by. Those arent Southampton working class accents. Half the people are from Winch and New Forest way and all the provincial areas of Southampton, Romsey and the like. Much more middle class areas basically. Working class are more vocal fans . The club dont want those fans. Which also aligns with how quiet our fans are now during games, dont care if its classist or whatever, but working class fans are louder, middle class dont really sing. (seen quite a few on here proudly posting that they dont sing at games too).
  23. Semmens needs to go asap even if SR remain owners.
  24. How many said they wanted a league 1 manager?
  25. Yep all of them, i dont rate any of our lot tbh. I'd be happier to clear out almost every single one and start from scratch. Looks like we'll be doing that soon anyway in the championship. Our transfers have been shite for years. Fed up of buying for potential. Before, we didnt just buy on potential we bought on what they could do in the league straight away as well. Now its purely potential and its fucked us. Same with the manager now. Always trying to be too clever. Plus, we got semmens, some upper middle class guy who is as bad as lowe, he aint a football guy at all, no way. Doubt he followed any sports growing up and if he did it rugby or cicket or polo or something. Until we get rid of him club will continue to fall.
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