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Everything posted by Foxy

  1. I'd sort of agree with this. I would define a playmaker as a focal point of a team, setting the pace of the play. Usually such a player would be someone who sits quite deep and provides the link between defence and midfield and/or midfield and attack. For all his merits this wasn't what MTL did. In contemporary football I'd give examples like Deco in his Barca role, or in our division Harper at Reading. I guess another analogy would be to look at the ghastly American-type of football, a playmaker in our game is a bit like the quarterback in that he's the guy who instigates play the majority of the time
  2. As someone who has lived a good chunk of his life in/around Reading I would describe Swindon a bit less charitably )
  3. Errm, it can happen. My little sister supports Reading, I am Saints, our childhood was in a village near Basingstoke, our Dad a Saint. Difference, I guess is that my sister played for Reading ladies so Saints became her second team.
  4. A schmoke might be appropriate
  5. Go to your profile, go to edit avatar. Click on use custom avatar and then browse button to find the image. You will need to resize to the correct size using picture manager or similar
  6. Now there's lovely. My prediction? Not a clue.
  7. Irrelevant who was the architect of the new strategy Lowe, Wilde or a combination. Even if it was Rupert's brainchild he'll have had to get the support of the shareholders and therefore have to get the buy in of a sufficient proportion of the shareholding. Anyhow, what does it matter whether Wilde is acting in the interests of his wallet or for more altruistic motives is pretty much lrrelevant. Both ultimately require the same - success for the business and on the field - which is pretty much what we all want for our own reasons. Unfortunately we are in a position where the business side is every bit as important as the manager and players - it defines what we get in those roles. As for the statement, well it's another dose of the current reality we face as a club in our situation. I think the majority either applaud the current approach or at least see its necessity - it'd be the same if MLT, the admins of this forum or my mum were in charge unless we are lucky enough to find some maniac with a pile of cash he wants to get rid of with little prospect of RoI. The personalities behind the suits are immaterial. They've got a way forward and have to sell it - hence the statement. A couple of days ago Wilde was being slated for being a quite quiet, now some people use his breaking cover to start the old discussions over again.
  8. Playing like a computer? What sitting on the corner of someone's desk, blowing out a lot of hot air. Come to think of it there's elements of my own style of play there. Where's that CV? All credit to JP though, I suspect that he will be the first manager since WGS where I purposely tuned in for the fun of his post-match interviews
  9. Viewers count wouldn't say how many have paid up. And I'd doubt they will put up stats for how many subscribers there are.....last thing they want is to conjure images of 'Bankroll' Baj and 'Croesus' Grant sitting on thrones of pound coins or sleeping on mattresses stuffed with banknotes
  10. Well, I paid my fiver so had better post something I suppose. It's actually cheaper then before for those of us who got stung for a contribution to the last server ;o)
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