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About foghorn

  • Birthday 28/11/1970

foghorn's Achievements

  1. Gray or Wigley?
  2. We are still waiting for the take over...
  3. Already looks better than Farton park
  4. Who is billy?
  5. You actually sound proud of that fact!
  6. RIP Griff. Can't believe how fast time passes. Best Wishes to PompeyLass
  7. Find the quote from Storrie about Grant (The News) interesting: Sounds like a formidable manager!
  8. Surely whoever they would have drawn will get a bye?
  9. I tried to post that on the pompey webchat but that and a few other comments were filtered out.
  10. Not a bad attendance for Pompey
  11. Bert & Ernie from Sesame Street with a surprise take over bid
  12. Do you intercept all their post?
  13. I think Pompey have been busy shredding a lot of paperwork recently..
  14. Isn't this the guy who paid Beyonce $1.2m to sing at his birthday party?
  15. That's a typo , it should read £10.99
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