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  1. Hodds37

    Rupert Lowe

    Didn't like him as Chairman. But he's an excellent MP.
  2. Just logged on. 3Hr wait!
  3. Not a lot of different to season ticket holders who can get an 'additional ticket for a friend'. All about who you know and money. As with anything in life. Anyone know how many members we have approximately?
  4. Same hear! Looking for 2 tickets. Only made it down to STH with a minimum of 3 away games this season!
  5. Yea, their attendances are generally 21k this season. Odd.
  6. Seems odd and low allocation (especially when the club says it’s the maximum) when the ground holds nearly 30k!?
  7. I know we are effectively down now, but why the hell is this man still in charge!? Club may as well try a large chance solution option like Leeds have.
  8. As said the Lavia sub cost us 2 points. Was comfortable 3-1 until then. Bad sub sellas 🙄
  9. Looking to go on sunday for the first time. Do you need to pre book or can you just turn up on the day for the same price?
  10. Used to be surprised by this sort of action by saints ticket office but not anymore, they've been like this for years. So risk adverse and prefer not to lose a few pennies rather than having more supporters and in the process stopping the potential of new fans going to away games. Very short sighted. Makes it near impossible to go unless your a season ticket holder too and regular to away games.
  11. Another good video from the legend MLT 🙂
  12. Just got tickets. any reason why it’s £20 for home supporters and £15 for away now!?
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