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Right sider

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Everything posted by Right sider

  1. Mark Wright and Dave Watson
  2. Psycho just ahead of Bridgey
  3. I really can't be bothered to get upset anymore, much has my enthusiasm for all things Saints been sucked out of me by that bunch of idiots mismanaging our once well respected club.
  4. We're doomed!!!
  5. 57. He designed the original Ted statue. 58. He liked the Milton Rd all seater stand. 59. If it wasn't for Rupert, Chorley and Illingsworth wouldn't have became local celebrities.
  6. The 20 was 1 player from each Premiership club
  7. Quite funny how the Os has a section entitled 'Investors'. It is quite a read.
  8. By the time Lowe does go, someone will need to turn off the lights!!!!
  9. 37 million!!!!! Still half a million to go to catch up tho!
  10. We don't argue on this forum!
  11. So more decent players leaving!!! Oh joy!
  12. Sounds like something I am acustomed to at MyFootballClub.co.uk (Ebbsfleet Utd). Have we reached that level!
  13. The best idea is to get the media working for us. A bonfire with Rupe as the guy burning away near the TED statue with a message of 'boycott the club' with a few invited national media might help.
  14. Spot on!
  15. Can't see a point, how ****ing sad is that!
  16. There was a bear in Jellystone, Yogi, Yogi.... We all live in the back of the Milton Road Ooooh Terry Hurlock! We wear red, we wear white, we are ****ing dynamite.... We all follow Southampton over land and sea.. I can't read and I can't write, but that don't really matter... Score a goal Neil Shipperley we will love you more than you will know... Englands No. 1
  17. I haven't been this season and that is totally alien to me if I think about it as I used to play and work at weekends but always made time for Saints games in midweek or sunday. I just don't seem to be bothered anymore, the passion has wained. Even when I was at work the radio would be on. I still have football in me but find myself going to watch Ebbsfleet more than Saints now. Have been up to Kent 3 times this season already. It is a bit like the old days at the Dell, standing with friends, having a few beers and just enjoying the vibe. Funny thing is there are only about 1700 there in a ramshackle little stadium but it has more atmosphere than 17k in a big empty square shaped box. I found that at St Marys I feel like a customer, herded in to buy a beer and a programme. Then up to your seat (which if you don't have a season ticket you will be surrounded with strangers). Back down for your pint and then same again. Never really thought of it before as I loved the atmosphere and the footie was good. Last time I was up the soul had gone and the team now has no spine. I wonder how or if I can ever rekindle my passion, or whether something at the club will do it for me. I don't like Lowe, never have done. Remember the Sisa meetings but back then I really cared. I hardly even post here anymore. Lowe going would be a start but this club needs to start again. The endless takeover threads gave us hope, now there seems an inevitable hopelessness about everything. I want my club back please. I want to care again.
  18. Thirty three million!!!!!
  19. Stacy is indeed a very good left winger. Far to good for Saints. But big John is off soon, we've been voting until friday on whether he goes and that is alot of money at BSP level. I would love it if he came here, he has alot more potential than Stacy. The other jewel is Neil Barrett at the Fleet.
  20. Possibly John Akinde from Ebbsfleet. Alot of CCC sides in for him at £140k. Big strong striker with an eye for goal and only 19. Someone has bid for him, all hush hush.
  21. This is all well and good, and much that I take my hat off to this breath of fresh air from the Dutch duo. I wonder how these kids will sustain a season long campaign. Has awhiff of Arsenal about them. Not a direct comparison but just look how the Gooners fared over the busy xmas period and faded towards the end of the season. Kids need to be brought in for bursts in the first team so they don't burn out too quickly. We need strength in depth, and unfortunately Lowe is selling off anyone who doesn't appear in the starting XI.
  22. http://www.punchaceleb.com/index.php?top20=week#Rupert%20Lowe%20-%20187k BUMP!
  23. I am scared shitless, but also a little excited. This lot could do really well but being young maybe burn out by Xmas.
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