I agree with the lad above who said piers morgan, what a snivelling two faced moron I will never forget how he put our armed forces in danger when he set up those pics a few years back, just to sell a few more papers
Here my 5
1. Piers Morgan. I want to put him on a boat and send it out into the solent, torpedo it, light a cigar and camcorder in the other hand I would watch the ****flap drown.
2. Jonathan Ross. I admit he can be funny at times, but he's also got the brownest nose in showbiz and through experience in my job I have learned to hate sycophants and arsekissers
3. Russell Brand. Apart from Brown nosers, my next pet hate is comedians who arent funny and he is amongst the worst (it was between him and billy 'I said something funny in 1982' connolly)
4. Jordan. Totally pointless celebrity who gets paid loads of money for doing **** all.
5. Debra Bell. Toffee nosed ***** from twickenham, a failed writer who has demonised 4 million weeds smokers to resurrect her career and become a kind of patron saint of talking bull****