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Everything posted by Southner

  1. Got to be a point where Dragan demands answers/changes. From his point of view (and ours), his money's been pissed up the wall big time.
  2. McCoist said we were shocking tonight. He seemed surprised. Clearly hasn't kept an eye on us this season. Quite wise really.
  3. What the fuck has he got to be excited about?!
  4. They've only had 5 years to perfect it in fairness. Much more if you go by its initial conception. It'll continue to be questionable for years to come.
  5. Grimsby: We haven't won an FA Cup QF since 1939. Saints: Hold my beer. Dragan: I'm not enjoying myself. Rasmus: I write books.
  6. I thought the same - on the freeze frame.
  7. We will struggle. The squad won't be as 'good' as it is now. Scary, right.
  8. Have we won the FA Cup yet?
  9. Getting as many games out of him as possible until he's sold in the Summer.
  10. https://youtu.be/JrK_HVGOnUo
  11. In terms of budgeting etc. It's also worth factoring in the cost of a building control application. Possibly if works relate to more than 50% of the roof area(?) If using a single ply membrane instead of felt for instance, it will have to have a certain fire rating in relation to where it's being used/it's proximity to another property etc.
  12. Unfortunately, flats and maisonettes don't fall within permitted development rights, however gaining planning approval should be relatively straightforward, especially if you're using like for like materials. That said, you can never second guess a Planning Officer. Even if other properties have had approval for similar works, every project/application is looked at as an individual entity. You may also need to get consent from the freeholder. EDIT: Apologies - may have just repeated what you already knew.
  13. Die Another Day - Gen Z Edition
  14. "Non-alcaholic Martini, stirred, not shaken. Otherwise it'll give me hiccups."
  15. Great place to live as a fisherthem.
  16. Woman are being made to feel more and more guilty about being a woman.
  17. Think Luton would have a better run in Europe than we would.
  18. Like dry toast topped with sawdust. Blandy blandness.
  19. Likely finish 21st at this rate.
  20. Running out to the car park whilst screaming is not really going to help matters, I don't imagine.
  21. It feels kinda familiar...
  22. Ruben, Selles to the Championship.
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