I would say these players are disenchanted, perhaps with the fans too. Recognition and rewards are very important in the modern world. I've seen very often when they get something good going, for instance in the key area of combinations, those combinations are broken up. Sometimes a player will put in a fine performance [I'm thinking of players like Bednerak and Redmond] and get very little praise or recognition ... if they don't do good [which they sometimes don't] they get torn to pieces.
Sometimes a player's good performance is rewarded with being dropped for long spells, not even making the bench. Some players seem to be pets others get treated as ne'er do wells.
Sure they are professionals still they are human. We are usually a happy club and that is when we do well. At the moment I sense they are not happy.
In the olden days the player's place in the team was earned and once they are in the team they stay in, these days they are changed quicker than a kaleidescope.
.... just my thoughts, don't howl at me 😊