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Everything posted by EssEffCee

  1. Why wouldn't they?
  2. Yeah I agree that our support has grown in the last two decades, and even in the last 5 years (see our away followings), but that doesn't automatically equate to sustaining 28k plus crowds in a situation where we're not bouncing back at the first attempt. I'm not against it as this season is as hard as I can remember for getting two seats together through general sale which runs the risk of losing a generation of potential supporters. I just don't agree that having good crowds in one championship season where we were winning most weeks means we'll continue to do so regardless of how we perform on the pitch. There weren't that many games last season where the home end was full and the away end wasn't as I recall. Most of the smaller followings came from clubs like Preston, Hull etc which weren't sell outs in home ends either albeit I think both of those were midweek.
  3. Yeah people will always want to watch a winning team of course but I think we'll sell less season tickets than we did last year for reasons stated. At which point you're the relying on results to drive the crowds rather than them simply be through demand regardless of performance
  4. I don't think you can look at solely last season and say we'll always sell out regularly in the championship. Last season was novelty for many after a long absence and that may not exist this time round. Next seasons attendances will likely be lower than last for price reasons alone as I don't see the club making big reductions after the rises this year. And then if we don't go up we'll be back to an average of 24k-ish the season after in my opinion. I'd say two-three seasons of good crowds isn't enough personally, it's when you have a waiting list for season tickets when it should be a higher priority. Especially if it's one people have paid to be on.
  5. I think crowds will definitely be lower next season than last. For one ticket prices will be much higher as they're not going to significantly reduce them.
  6. Or if you've already paid just turn up and give the cunt some stick in the ground?
  7. You'd be better off passing it onto a mate who's up for giving Martin some stick.
  8. That'll teach the club, being able to make more money.
  9. If everyone with a printer at home printed 20-30 copies of this and handed them out outside the ground then it'd be sure to be picked up by cameras if held up as teams walked out.
  10. Great news!
  11. Cheers I'll give it some thought. Ideally don't want to rely on trains but might be the best option for this. Will stop at services somewhere along the way and make my decision then.
  12. Why not the M5 out of interest, just because of all the extra traffic on it due to the M42 closure? I was thinking of going up that way and joining the M5 near Gloucester but this has made me reconsider.
  13. I stopped reading at the part when Koeman was described as an attacking midfielder.
  14. I'll pass on that thanks.
  15. You reimbursing me my ticket?
  16. Did the TV microphones pick up the 'sacked in the morning' after the 5th on Wednesday? I had some middle aged woman start shouting at me when I tried starting a 'martin out' chant. We've got a strange fanbase.
  17. Can see there being quite a few empty seats here. Lots of spares coming up from people who suddenly 'can't' make it.
  18. Martin wouldn't come close enough to the away end.
  19. Yep including a busy end of the year with aways and the league cup quarter final. You may be right but I'd be surprised if we sold 3k for this one. Last season there was a lot more positivity among the fanbase I'm almost certainly gonna give this one a miss but will be doing Forest.
  20. A club with our infrastructure and academy was always going be a attractive proposition in the third tier and on the cheap. We still undoubtedly got lucky with Markus. Imagine if it had been SISU.
  21. United on sale next week with the away games being reset so starting on 4. Taken the full allocation so this might be the first (and only) league game we don't sell out this season. Thursday night in January on TV coming after a very busy 6 weeks or so. Great opportunity for people to get a ticket who've not been able to so far.
  22. What happens on the pitch is largely irrelevant here as far as I'm concerned. It's in the away end where there's a victory to be won.
  23. Has to be done. Yesterday was the first game I've been to since he was here which didn't have anyone try and start "Russell Martin's red army" and the reaction to their first goal was very negative and noticeable. The tide has turned and his behaviour yesterday will escalate that further. I'm confident we'll see a big reaction on Friday. Needs to be regardless of how it's going on the pitch too. Don't care if we take the lead give him some stick.
  24. Brighton needs to be the match where those of us going make our feelings known inside the ground. His comments and actions at the game today are a whole new level of arrogance which says a lot in itself.
  25. I just don't understand the wanting us to lose/get hammered mentality. I can't stand Martin myself and thought he should have been binned after Bournemouth but would still rather us win than get a humping which wouldn't guarantee he gets sacked anyway. The idea that were we to get a shock win today meaning we'd have 6/9 there'd people out there who'd be annoyed I just find totally alien. Wins will be rare this season no matter who's in charge so I'll continue to hope for them and enjoy them if/when they come.
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