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Everything posted by Elmore

  1. If true it doesn't make good reading if you are a skate: http://dralfahim.blogspot.com/2009/08/leveraged-takeover-by-al-fahim.html
  2. Elmore


    So he is 23.
  3. Elmore


    He's 23.
  4. It was humorous watching Hammers fans running as fast as their little legs would carry them up Bow road to the bus stop. They certainly missed the start of the match - they are probably outside now waiting to be let in.
  5. I was in a train at Bow Road when that kicked off - Millwall tw*ts almost caused me to miss the Saints KO on the radio.
  6. I wonder what the resident skates think of this Andy Dunn column http://www.newsoftheworld.co.uk/sport/465291/Even-King-Fergie-would-agree-football-is-the-winner-Andy-Dunn.html "Ah, Portsmouth. A club that almost deserves to go to the wall." "Portsmouth could never fill a 40,00-seater stadium, as was once suggested. It could never attract genuine stars, as it tried to do when offering Defoe, Diarra and the like eye-watering deals."
  7. The all-time attendances are meaningless anyway - as it says in the link "pre-war attendance figures are based on media estimates and club records - both sources notoriously inaccurate" .
  8. You're not really comparing Portsmouth with Manchester United are you? Anyway you would be more like Fulham - bankrolled into the top-flight after the majority of the last 40 years spent in the lower leagues with small fan-base and low attendances.
  9. The skates are so jammy and always seem to strike it lucky - they will probably get a decent takeover and escape relegation. Nevertheless this thread has been a very enjoyable read and has provided great entertainment at the blue-few's expense. Something we have not been able to enjoy for a few years now.
  10. Boo-hoo. Its going to be tough as building a team takes a bit of time. If you don't want to watch the team develop as you really can't stand losing any more then don't watch for a few months. Pardew has said this season is about getting rid of the -10 points and then seeing how far we go.
  11. As has been said since the takeover, this season is all about staying up and building a team. Next season is the key one. Looking at the other 23 clubs, only those recently relegated have better squads than us - the only advantage all the others have is that they are better prepared. By the sounds of it we are going to strengthen the squad even further with some more experienced and stronger players so I would expect us meeting this season's targets.
  12. Elmore

    Frog & Frigate

    Was that the same guy who played the acoustic guitar? I used to work with one of the guys who painted the mural on the upstairs wall.
  13. That's because there are not enough Portsmouth fans to get 25,000 views.
  14. ... kit supplier... http://www.guardian.co.uk/sport/2009/jul/15/digger-canterbury-kits-owen-gibson
  15. Elmore

    Charlton Fans

    Same here - I know a few Addicts fans and they are all top blokes. That site (like Saintsweb) just seems to have a few gob****es.
  16. Agreed. This could be a great appointment (I didn't like the way he left Reading, but his track record speaks for itself).
  17. Can't disagree with any of that.
  18. Me too. Pearson has only been a manager for a short while. He did what was required for us (but it was a pretty close call) and has done well with Leicester. So he has done ok so far but its still far too early to say he is a great manager.
  19. I knew it wouldn't last. Two days of happiness and now back to whinging.
  20. A Little Less Conversation - Elvis
  21. I'm starting to agree with this. Its just gone on far too long. Any other club would have tied this up by now - Saints fans are ever so patient. I just have a horrible feeling that the Pinnacle deal is not what most fans hope it is and the backer of the deal is now looking to get out. I hope I am wrong. At least the other bidders can now enter the frame so a resolution - for better or worse - will happen soon.
  22. I think its positive statement. Just clarifying that no-one wants to buy the Holding Company, but talks are still ongoing with 3rd parties regarding SFC.
  23. Quite an interesting update on Dyer (below link) - the last paragraph appears to suggest that Dyer's salary will fall substantially due to relegation "his contract is good for us in League One - he's not a very expensive player for us there". This could of course be a bit of brinkmanship from Wotte. I must say the writer appears to have little understanding on why we loaned him out in the first place though... http://www.planetswans.co.uk/article.aspx?ArticleID=9472
  24. Very dissapointing if true, but to be expected in our current position.
  25. Nothing ever seems to go right for Saints - if indeed we do get taken-over it will be by either someone totally underwhelming or someone useless.
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