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Hengistbury Header

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  1. This may or may not be sarcasm. But some supporters do disparage ‘the padded seats’. But they are directly opposite the Directors’ Box and the manager’s seat, offering the same views of the game, but without the inconvenience of looking directly into the sun. So arguably the best seats in the ground. What a shame to take these seats away from people who have paid for them and to deprive other supporters of the chance to try them on a one-off basis
  2. Me too apparently. 😳
  3. Nonsense. Fernandez wide right?!?
  4. He has always typically scored his goals coming inside from the left.
  5. You've set up this squad with two sitting midfielders. In my experience, home and away, since he arrived, RM has never fielded a team with two sitting midfielders.
  6. There was an accident, involving a bus and 2 cars, southbound, on the Avenue, near Golf Course Road at around that time. It caused long tailbacks in both directions.
  7. Does Parsons have any experience at all in buying and selling footballers?
  8. “Problem gamblers will be problem gamblers whether we advertise gambling or not” ??? They wouldn’t pay so much money to advertise if it didn’t increase gamblers. More gamblers means more problem gamblers.
  9. Who cares? This is what a parliamentary report thinks. https://publications.parliament.uk/pa/ld5801/ldselect/ldgamb/79/7903.htm
  10. The site keeps freezing. 'Waiting for ..." (various sites I don't recognise, but possibly related to adverts). Occurring for about a week now. I've abandoned Saints Web for the time being.
  11. We don’t play with a man in the hole behind the striker.
  12. Watch the build-ups to the goals, especially 2+3. It's NOT pass, welly or dribble the ball "FORWARD!" at the first opportunity, as the brainless constantly bray at the players, it's patience, probing, choosing the right time and THEN moving it forward.
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