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Everything posted by bigdavewatson

  1. not a cup final one per se, but these are without doubt the best scarves I have seen.... http://www.savile-rogue.com/productdetails.aspx?TeamID=39
  2. Sorry, tried doing a highlight on the fancy dan statement Nick, but it was beyond me. Anyway, rest assured I will not be serving up any fancy dan stuff
  3. I have just choked on a piece of apple, hilarious! Peterbrough fan came over to see what I was choking at and said he saw the same thing on telly and that the description of the poor unfortunate fan was spot on!!!
  4. A Leeds fan mate of mine txted me about this article, what great news... enjoy! http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/sport/football/premier_league/portsmouth/article6740882.ece
  5. Hold on a minute, I'm not 'avin that! Let me tell you how it really was: It was an "inspired substitution" that led to me controlling the ball, holding off a dirty, fouling challenge and unleashing a Letissieresque 35 yrd screamer that completely baffled the quality keeper, due to the power and swerve of the shot. I was very unlucky that it didnt rifle into the bottom corner of the net! or something like that. :-)
  6. Steve, Baj and anyone else who helped on the video and/or organising the game, a thousand thank you's. What a memory and keepsake, truly awesome. I think there may be something wrong with the DVD though, for some reason I seem a lot slower on the telly than in realy life ;-0 Thanks again, I'm in if there's ever a repeat.
  7. Does anyone know when it will be revealed and on sale? Love the look of the new tracksuit as worn by Henderson on the OS. It's a similar style to my first official saints tracksuit in 76. Brings back memories of red nylon flares that combusted if you ran too fast!!
  8. Quite a shock to see it happen so quickly, but I have to say I feel it is the right decision. We do need a clean out and quite frankly, he oversaw some awful team performances. I am feeling so positive it is scaring me.
  9. Great post, clarifies a couple of grey areas I had. Cheers
  10. and any serious prospective owners that are eyeing the club. In my opinion, anyone who was seriously interested will still be around and will be able to pick up the club for less, break up value or slightly more. In fact they would have been waiting for this to happen. We, as fans, maybe looking at short term gratification, but any serious player will not be put off by a few players leaving (who were part of the worst Saints team I have ever seen) or some disgruntled cyber fans. It will be a long term plan that will have to be adjusted based on the -10 or 25 issue. We are either going to get bought or we aren't - either way Pinnacle will not have any effect other than positive. smileythingputsontinhat
  11. Matt was one of the most gifted, loyal players to grace ANY club, let alone ours. I know people are a frustrated, but I can assure you this; anyone who was seriously interested in our club are in an infinitely better position now than they were 21 days ago. The pressure is on and the price has dropped. IF anyone else is seriously interested they will not have gone away. I am talking from personal experience, but this is common business sense. As for slagging Le Tiss off - disgraceful behaviour from a minority of muppets amongst our fan base. How many other ex-players (some of which have gone on to be seriously wealthy) have stepped in to try and help our club which (for some reason) very few people are interested in buying? The man is a legend and done his very best, which more than satisfies me.
  12. You miss my point, I agree on the football related decisions regarding these players - good sense in my opinion and anyone would be off if a half decent offer came in for them. I am just wondering WHO is actually making the decisions based on the fact that the football club should be running it's own affairs at the moment, yet everyone seems to be slating Fry that's all.
  13. That are sanctioning the deals regarding transfers?? Mute point to a certain extent, but SFC is (allegedly) not in administration, and Fry has himself said that he has no legal control over SFC as they are just one of the assets of SLH (when he gave a press release around the -10). This would seem to indicate that the directors are still in control and making the decisions around transfers. If they are still a going concern and solvent (due to transfer income) can SFC itself be wound up? Genuine question.
  14. I'm generally a 2, but the odd 4 in my time :-)
  15. on the Daily Echo Saints website, one is Marc Almond and the other is Rory Delap.... http://www.dailyecho.co.uk/sport/saints/ sorry, I am so f**king depressed, I felt the need for an inane post
  16. thank **** for this post, really made me laugh, nice one scara
  17. Hopefully at least one
  18. Hi, they were never interested, I know them reasonably well enough to ask the question, through meeting them over the years and our paths cross every now and again. One is an Indian still based in Mumbai and the other is a US guy. This kind of money really is small change, but, alas it was a no go. The money man, whoever he is, must trust either TL or MLT a lot IMO and what I was really trying to get at is who owns the relationship with him. Cheers
  19. some great responses, thanks :-) nick, with a bit of fitness, I could do a job in league 1 ;-) The key point I was making is that people with a lot of money want relationships with people they can trust to handle their money appropriately and this was genuine feedback from people who may have been interested. The key point is that they (billionaires) would want someone involved who had one of a) or b) in some major capacity. This doesnt need to be MLT or TL, of course. Which is why I was interested in the relationship between the 3 key players, but a £15m punt is reckless , unless of course the money man is a Saints fan.
  20. Although I love MLT and appreciate TL's efforts, I cant get away from the inescapable fact that neither of them have: a) got any experience whatsoever of the procurement of a football club b) got any experience whatsoever of the running of a football club I have spoken to two billionaires about this (seriously) and they have both aked me the same questions when I have asked (genuinely) if they would be interested in me buying a football club and running it on their behalf. They asked me if I had either of a) or b) before politely declining my kind offer. I have read a lot of reports and posts, but I am a bit confused!!??? So: 1) Did MLT introduce the money man to TL? 2) Did TL have the relationship with the money man and approach MLT? Any ideas??
  21. I bought a house called "The Dell", still live there.
  22. It's the fact that this and the Dutch muppet's wages could have covered most of NP's salary demands that makes it totally unacceptable IMO.
  23. Guys, sorry it's taken a while to respond, been pretty much out of circulation since the game (not due to the pain in my knees, groin, ankle and achilles!) Although it's all been said before on this thread, I would like to add my sincere appreciation and thanks to everyone that attended, played, managed and organised the event. I really enjoyed it and thought the attitude and commitment shown was a real testament to the "Spirit of Southampton Fans" Great fun and I'd be up for it or anything similar at any time. Thanks again guys.
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