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  1. fnbSaint


    Pepperoni. I love this forum!
  2. fnbSaint


    Ha! No comment.
  3. fnbSaint


    As my first post perhaps demonstrated. I am a little tipsy. But also a little adrift and looking for a community. I read this website every and love it. Always wanted to post. Is it a community I should join?! But am shy. And saw the community drive Matthew out. So. As drunk. Am interested. What is it that drives me back here. And what is it that you love about this site? I can’t stop reading it! assume picked the wrong thread/room. So will pass out if my pizza ain’t done soon.
  4. And I’m my drunken state, I thought he looked captain-y. I have idea who would make a good captain!
  5. Help is needed. De la soul is now my track. I know I love you better ❤️ 💕 💗
  6. Long time lurker (aka reader, of the amazing joy that is 606/the forum). But shirly after the last tweet from the club Jack Stephens is the next captain. caveats. Am tipsy. am enjoying listening to purple rain live in syracuse as I type this. so collectively, there’s a strong chance I dunno what I’m talking about.
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