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  1. You didn't even stop to say if humanity was to survive with a Battlestar Galactica type of fleet, or survive on a jettisoned moon, like Space 1999.
  2. I hate to be the one alpacaing holes in your reasoning, but it's a health plan with 4 legs, which is 2 more than the current one.
  3. NHS crisis...solved! Public/private health insurance issues and access...solved! Economic growth...solved from reinvested freed up health funds! Vote SaintsWeb! 9 out of 10 Llamas already do, and are healthier for it!
  4. Surely, this is a masterstroke. By getting people to identify as llamas, it unlocks vets to deal with all of those patients, vastly reducing waiting times.
  5. Dear [s]fleshling[/s] Pierre2, SR would like to invite you to attend a special briefing >bzzt< session! This will show you the very real, and not buggy FM autogen, progress SR are making in the very real >whirr< world. Our VR simulator will illustrate the brighter 10 year plan ahead, at no time lobotomising you ahead of our robotic >click< takeover. Regards, Max Headroom, chief marketing officer.
  6. Yup. Fernandes. Struggling to think of anyone else worth a nomination.
  7. Just a blip from the Saints home support willing something to put us out our misery. It's trajectory will adjust back again tomorrow. 🙂
  8. Balancing that, 13 hours is the time our team and coaches are behind the speed of play.
  9. That wasn't 60s and 70s, though. '89 to '93...
  10. Conceded a soft goal. But an instant response and a cracking strike for the winner. LBC did put some pressure on later on and end to end for a few minutes at the finish.
  11. Super signing for any team looking to push for promotion from the championship. He said his target was not only to do that, but just to get games. So, not part of Juric's plans for the rest of this season, as first choice. Since he's worked with Mowbray before, tactics won't be an issue, and he presumably likes working with him. So, a super move for AA too. He might be hoping WBA put a bid in. For us, we'll see. If we play any sort of system where he's a decent fit next season, then he's a great asset to have at that level.
  12. Plus points. Someone who's coached a team had an idea of what was needed. The club did at least try to bring people in. Sadly, like so many windows those gaps remain. Hopefully, lots of work going into addressing the gaps for the summer. If it's not Juric in charge, work to decide what it is they do want and work on those targets.
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