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  1. Jones will be with a club he's taken up. Who knows, they may have the trajectory of Luton under his tenure there. I've no doubt he'd be pleased and feel a bit vindicated by the win too. But it won't change any of the reasons why he didn't work out with us. And it really didn't look like it was ever going to. Not a good fit for us or for him. In his case, some of the reasons were the same as those involved in it not working out as Stoke either.
  2. I think Hamas leader, Rupert Lowe, should release the BBC! What do you mean "You've only skimmed the thread?"
  3. Oh that's a neat idea. Combining football stickers with the Greats of Comedy! Above we have The 3 Stooges! Next week a focus on our back 5 of Groucho, Chico, Harpo, Zeppo and a return of Gummo! Oh, how we'll laugh as they tell us that none of them were ever defenders before being brought into the Juric Joke Jamboree.
  4. An awkward, but necessary conversation for Spors in the next day or two. He has to tell SR that Juric was just another dud of an appointment, tracked and wanted by the people who appointed a number of other utter duds since they took over and failed to properly support their first manager. He has to tell them to make another change, if we want to avoid the ignominy of being the worst PL team in it's history. The interim, is probably Rusk because regardless of the money on offer it's a certain relegation on anyone's CV, with no promise of a longer project for them next season (unless Spors is well ahead already there). Will Rusk or Lallana be any better? Best interview them. Simple questions on knowing to play players in the positions they have a chance in. Not being completely fixated on a system regardless of the capability of the players. Get past those, check if Adam brought along his Liverpool training manual, and that will do. Lallana gets the offer of a coaching role and Rusk his spot on the coaching side regardless for next season.
  5. We know you're building up to sexy SNSUNs. The mods have been notified. 🙂
  6. https://m.facebook.com/watch/?v=474164209623281&vanity=BBCArchive
  7. Just in, and I guess the first post I see is about to prepare me for the worst.
  8. Farke got them up playing that style, when it was fairly new and they had attacking full backs. Without them, and with others catching on, they got relegated (still with lots more points than we've got this season). They always had mistakes in them doing it, and that's continued.
  9. Agreed.
  10. Curtsey when you address me! Guards! Take him to the tower! No! An example must be set. Take him to... the Saints 24/25 Match highlights room! 🙂
  11. I really hope he's getting professional help. It's a high pressure job. His interviews highlight various things that show him well beyond normal triggers and stress points. There are ways of achieving what he wants from a healthier mindset. He can still be as passionate and commited. As for us, completely out of his depth. In addition, he has never learned to handle or coach players at a higher level club, or ones who've played there. It's different for him when he goes through the league, with his sides. He gets more buy in, and doesn't have the same issues.
  12. I think that's Liz Truss'.
  13. Promptly leading to Lallana picking up an injury and Paul wheezing and falling over.
  14. Now guess the user name of Rishi Sunak on here. 🙂
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