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Everything posted by Warriorsaint

  1. Oriel Romeu, Barcelona!!!! Say no more. Living his best life. lol some , at times, thought he wasn’t good enough for Saints
  2. Totally agree. I have seen some lovely tributes and not from the usual celebrity mourning factory. Sinead was a poet and saw through the pop industrial complex and was vilified for it. A one off and Im truly sad about it. She had integrity. She was not a popstar. Never was. She sang protest for a generation.
  3. Nice sentiment for Sinead. Well done👏
  4. Ok, Ill add Harry Styles and Niall Horan. My point is that she was a voice. You’ve misinterpreted my point. Todays artists are not called, but merely byproducts of the record companies. I made no judgement in these artists other to contrast artistry for manufactured pop and fronts for the record company. You have inferred what you wanted to from the sentence not the intended sentiment.
  5. Watch this and compare her to the likes of Katy Perry and Taylor Swift. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGJqgN3tG/
  6. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGJqbaPWR/
  7. I came to this thread with trepidation thinking about how someone would throw their twopenath in about Sinead. I’m so glad it hasn’t panned out this way. I absolutely adored her and for my generation was agog at the strength and vulnerability wrapped up in her ethereal beauty. I am a confirmed atheist and it was only her made me question that belief. I don’t think their has ever been such a flawed, complicated and unbowed artist in my generation. I can barely watch some of her performances as they break my heart. A fighter for the voiceless abused in Ireland and one for whom the demons came and eventually took. I rarely feel emotion for the passing of pandering celebrities but this lady deserves her peace. Rest easy Sinead
  8. Stunning growth. 0.4% carry on clutching at straws, shouting at windmills, lubing your asshole for Farage. One day Brexit might just work eh 😂
  9. Was unintentional. A glitch somehow. Apologies. I am a fair antagonist and have no need to give ammunition to a bloviator. I think I was trying to respond to a quote but put the material inside the quote box. Anyway, please accept my humble apologies. I know you are a stickler for accuracy.
  10. Hmmmmn maybe Tory privatisation has something to do with it.
  11. Ohhh pony and trap wants to talk about Brexit does he? Here’s another benefit.
  12. Sweet 👏
  13. Brexit benefits keep coming
  14. Pony
  15. What the Matt Le Tissier is Rickie Lambert talking about. Getting fed up of my heroes turning into fruit loops.
  16. Exactly. Short memories on here. So many thought of him as a luxury. He was a great player but some love the workmanlike players more. Us fans have a habit of feeling we deserve more. We only see how good they were when they left. He was far better than the team that surrounded him but more often than not became a scapegoat for a lack of penetration. I reckon he felt far more appreciated when he left.
  17. Leaves a legend at Ajax but to many Saints fans wasn’t good enough for us.
  18. Be careful you might get accused of mysogyny by Mossin. I prefer big titted German women!
  19. Wonder if it’s anything to do with privatisation? Hmm. Tories will Tory.
  20. You see it was a grift from Day 1. Even the Leavers didn’t believe in it lol 😂 and the retarded all fell for it.
  21. Yummy battery chicken eggs Edwin Hayward @edwinhayward Battery cages are banned in the EU, but the Tories want to exercise their Brexit freedoms to allow battery-farmed eggs to be imported into the UK because of the CPTPP deal. Meanwhile, the EU are taking steps to end caged farming entirely (likely by 2027). https://theguardian.com/world/2023/jul/11/block-battery-eggs-coming-into-uk-say-animal-welfare-groups-brexit…
  22. Lol 😂 https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGJ4SF81B/
  23. Goodness free trade deals?
  24. Oops! https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2023/jul/08/tory-brexiter-george-eustice-visas-young-eu-workers-labour-shortage
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