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Everything posted by Warriorsaint
Whatabout whatabout whatabout
You’ve convinced me. You are right.
No, its just a persona. Likes to be a contrarian.
No argument on that front.
Hmmm, inferring issues with mental health, no? 🤔
Is the likelihood of terrorist attacks more likely or less likely now? I don’t mind people having different views at all and having the ability to question my own opinions and occasionally changing them. You, seem to have a closed mind. However, I wouldn’t stoop so low as to question your mental health. You seem only to enjoy being a contrarian whose only joy is to be a troll.
Couldn’t give a monkeys about the Taliban. Their destruction would only be a bonus. The issue is Al Quaida and Isis. They have gone away and are not going to be a threat in future are they?
Thanks, I do. Nice to know you make light of Mental health. Its really no surprise. Love and Light.
Indeed, don’t think we were in Afghanistan when they killed 2500 people in New York or attacked the USS Cole. Nah they’ll go away now they know they’ve beaten us, surely
You can start at the top and work your way down.
Apologies, should have made it clearer. The Nazis invaded Poland. We knew then they wouldn’t stop there. We had an obligation to defeat a fascist regime. To me same applies. The Taliban succeeded in taking Afganistan. They will harbour Al Quiada, Isis and the rest. They will become stronger. They will infiltrate Pakistan, Syria and the rest and eventually the West will be back again after one too many atrocities. I take the devil you know. Supressing the Taliban and the terrorists do not get a foothold to launch attacks and retreat to safety. Why now after 20 years? Because it is an American domestic political decision and not a military one. Every soldier on the ground out there knows that and are ashamed of what we have done. Their mates died and were maimed out there to keep us safe here. We are now less safe as a result. Thats my logic.
Your opinion is valid but when the Houses of Parliament are blown up you can’t complain as the place the bombers are being trained are in Helmand. Also the Taliban are not some romantic Freedom fighters lived by the people. They are a rag tag bunch of nutters who execute adulterers and amputate limbs for petty theft. Yeah you go ahead and believe the Afghans want that. Imagine being an apologist for the Taliban. As for Ireland, Im sure the IRA didn’t harbour international training camps for an ideological nutjobs to bring down the west. Should just have left Poland to it really? Wouldn’t have had WW2. Shouldn’t have interfered really.
Not supporting our troops yes. 450 deaths in vain. You think they would cut and run? Histrionic, perhaps, with desperate people falling from planes trying to escape, maybe a little, but carry on watching Love Island. Its all abstract isn’t it? Not real world.
Have you forgotten Britain had an empire of millions run by a few. The Taliban were being held by the Afghan army with a command and control structure of 2500 troops. You pull the command and the house of cards fell. Surely the patriots don’t want to be known they were beaten by a ragtag army with guns in jeeps. What better to showcase global Britain by taking centre stage and keeping Al Quiada at arms length. We’ve got our sovrinty back innit. Didn’t we spaff billions on test and trace?
Am I missing something? The Taliban harboured Al Quiada. The Taliban back in power ergo Resurgent Al Quiada ergo attacks on Western cities. So shortsighted, but theres no point arguing with anti British cowards who drop allies at the drop of a hat. If your argument is we shouldn’t interfere anywhere I agree. We should be a neutral country not interfere anywhere. But you will change your mind the next time someone drops a dirty bomb on London won’t you? Imagine being an ally of Britain in WW2. Indians, the Carribean, Africans. Do you really think anyone would stand by us now. Lol, even the Chinese are warning Taiwan not to put their faith in the West as we’ll cut and run. Cue the butbutbut whatabout.
Ok, we’ll leave the I told you so until the next atrocity in Tokyo, Seattle, Newcastle. People tend to forget the Us has stationed troops in Germany, Philipines, Korea, all over the place after the war has been won to keep a presence. Afganistan is no different.
I can agree, however with the tagline, we have just lost the war on terror. You know the WHOLE REASON we were there.
Dont consider them the British press, sorry. Both rags not fit for my arse.
Nope, majority of Brits back capital punishment but we don’t necessarily do what the majority want. That way lies mob rule.
I edited my post to remove the dig. That was rude
Absolutely, no one comes out of this with any credit at all. A plague on all their houses.