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Everything posted by Warriorsaint

  1. ? How is liking big titted German women sexist? Its a preference. You really need to read your Samuel Johnson. And wash your mouth out Hamster/Fox whatever. Only a fine Gamay or Syrah would pass my lips. I’d say your choice of special brew says more about you. Must be a reference to the bag of cans you share around your pals in the East park benches. As you were gammons.
  2. Do you understand between close and far away?
  3. Nonsense is all this mongboard is. I thought that’s why you all posted. I thought it was a self help group for all the Brexit/gammon looneys to come and find their kind. You all have a repressed anger that it would be a surprise if you didn’t self medicate.
  4. You asked if I drink so I asked you? You seem defensive. Do you not like the taste or did you have a problem with drinking?
  5. Yes, and you don’t?
  6. Pot kettle eh munter? Don’t you have people on ignore? Afraid of a little engagement eh?
  7. Starting to smell a bit gammony in here!
  8. And you tell you are an illiterate cock!
  9. You weren’t loved enough were you?
  10. Best player at the club. Some rejoicing at his going. Same boo boys said the same for Romeu, Tadic etc And they’ll moan at the replacement because they’re not as good. Grass is always greener as they say. I’m gutted he’s going. I like to keep our best players and replace them with better ones. Some folks just want to see the world burn.
  11. Cock! A doodle doo! Better?
  12. Tadic, Romeu ad infintum. As soon as we sell them they were never really any good were they. Utter Bollox.
  13. Yoshida off to LA Galaxy. Romeu to Barcelona, Tadic to Ajax, Hojberg to Atletico. Decent team in there
  14. Posted without comment or opinion
  15. Millions, paltry lol 😂
  16. Hey guys, lets start a business! Ahhhhhh, wait.
  17. Well done, owned. So you can go on about your day! Rest in Peace Sinead!
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