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Everything posted by Warriorsaint
Not arguing with you. although a caveat maybe Iraq, a similar messy mission creep of imposing democracy on various tribal animosities that is far stable than I thought it could be. It may be that the tribes be it Sunni or Shiite are more tolerant/practical than the Taliban nutjubs.
Listening tO Biden now he has made a fair point. The mission was completed in terms of destroying AlQuaida. If he had overturned Trumps plan then the Taliban backlash could have been devastating and required pouring more troops in. I think I may be changing my opinion on him. He was caught between a rock and a hard place. It was a mess waiting for a date and deadline. It could have been handled much more efficiently. The mission creep of democracy building is a failure unfortunately and I fear for the Afghan people. If anything a lesson should be learnt but it won’t.
This is what defeat looks like. Being chased out of the country. History will not be kind.
Its a fair point. Trump wasn’t that strategic. Biden has played right into their hands though. Was definitely not the best leader the Democrats had but the only one that could be elected. Such a clusterfuck. Don’t think he has it to solve this. Was so obvious this was going to happen once they pulled out.
So true, a dreadful miscalculation. Could so easily have overturned Trumps agreement but went with it. I sometimes think this was a trap left by Trump. But lets not forget who made the agreement in the first place. Blood on all their hands.
Chaos. We had our thumb on these people. Pandoras box now open.
Why don’t you start a China thread?
Just quoting what you said. Do a bit of post reading?
So the explosion today was targeting the Taliban, ok 👌
What is this Antrim, Collins nonsense? Me think you doth protest too much. Is this not a Brexit thread?
Absolutely, the intervention was about Al Quiada, Is, Isis,Isil, came after. They’re all of the same club though. The west is the enemy. They are emboldened now the taliban have defeated the coalition. I agree the mission creep was a problem but kept the training camps at bay whilst we were ‘in country’ Now we are gone they have free reign to plan their foreign excursions.
See Whitey, the tactic is to denigrate and dehumanise. A very negative nancy.
Goodness Whitey, I know. subtlety is a hard thing to get on a board. By feigning confusion at that persona’s sterling wit I was hoping to negate the instant gratification they were screaming for their ‘humour’. By having to explain the joke it would have nullified the perceived dagger into my heart. You did Weston’s job for him. By picking up on spelling mistakes he thinks he is being an intellectual when all he’s really doing is acting out the intellectual ability of a seven year old spelling monitor because he is ‘dameged’ (ps did I spell it wrong?) ps he can’t debate the inevitable car crash that is Brexit so has to bring down the participants in the debate. It’s a simple , well worn tactic of the righties.
No not biting
Unfortunately Doc, I can’t see it happening. Events will overtake that dream. In my lifetime we will see the breakup of the United Kingdom. Scotland will vote for independence. Ireland will be reunited and surely Wales will start agitating once they see the direction of travel. All those countries will be reintegrated into the EU long before England is forced to on terrible terms. All Brexit has achieved is the inevitable extinction of British as an identity and England as an isolationist outlier. It’s decline is almost inevitable. Its not something to cheer, of course but the acceptance of England as as smaller player will be a rocky road but hopefully a more pragmatic England will evolve.
😂 He didn’t win though did he. What a cop out. All on this shower.
I’m trying. I suppose it could be July just as delivery times crossover the uk and eurozone. No shortages in Europe at supermarkets or medical supplies but Brexit is a huge success isn’t it? Don’t believe the head of the CoOp though. Don’t believe the framers and fishermen. Nothing to do with the B word. Lol. I would say Turkeys voting for Xmas but there won’t be a Xmas 😂
See, IS back on the scene, do we think they will confine their actions to Kabul airport? Maybe the Trump apologists will explain its all for the best when they come for us next.
You remind me of someone with a dark, malevolent presence. A truly frightening persona you are exhibiting.
Interesting graphic that erm, ends in March 21 lol. Proving what exactly?
Trolls will troll Whelk. They can no longer defend their Brexit so play dirty. Haven’t seen much evidence of the sunny uplands so they retreat into their bigoted ways. It’s how they win. As Michael Gove would say. “ we’ve had enough of.....imports”
Trust this loser?