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Everything posted by Warriorsaint

  1. I am just highlighting what appears to be happening with the consequences of Brexit. It is a post Brexit thread. It seems to easy for brexiters to put their head in the sand and pretend it’s all sunny uplands. The effects of Brexit affect my pocket and my rights and it was forced upon me and the 3/4 of the country who didn’t vote for it. If you don’t like being reminded about it in a brexit thread don’t engage. That’s freedom right there.
  2. I can see your point. That is fair. It was not meant that directly but I can see how it could be seen that way.
  3. Have also read reports of this. Nutters
  4. So the people who did confirm it?
  5. Again how does a request with a please refer to dictating? Am I missing something?
  6. I asked politely but somehow you took offence. If the the wording of my post upset you I offer my apologies.
  7. Maybe. But 17.4 million? But show me the other side of the see saw. All I see every day are the consequences. Where are the benefits? please tell me.
  8. Please don’t quote WSS. I don’t need to see his banality.
  9. There is no more compliant nation. The people have been ground down by centre right govts for decades. The media props up the tory class establishment and puts all the countries woes down to immigrants, the Eu and benefits scroungers when those in power keep the status quo
  10. Almost sounding like a lefty there. Hard to imagine you could ever be a tory.
  11. Yes so cutting off nose to spite the face. Clever voters.
  12. You really are a catch. Married to Meghan Fox I bet!
  13. Chickens coming home to roost. Another Brexit Benefit eh?
  14. I wonder if the Heil Mail and the right wing racists will champion this immigrant. Born in Canada to a Chinese mother and Romanian father moved to London aged 2.
  15. Where’s the £350 million from next week and the week after? Has the con sank in yet?
  16. Every day. Sigh!
  17. Don’t forget the £50 million bacon deal over five years with Mexico trumpeted by Truss. Global Britain lol 😂
  18. Thanks ECUK. Point of the tweet but contrarians will be contrarian
  19. Just waiting for all the reciprocal evidence on the flip side. Waiting for the Sunny uplands. come on Brexiters where are all the benefits?
  20. Yes, surely the vet doesn’t know his own business and it’s all project fear
  21. Test and Trace,£50 million a month to Serco “ but you there, peasants, you pay for the old and infirm, we’ve got cocktails to sip ra ra ra!”
  22. One wondergoal is being erased for every mind-bogglingly thick tweet Matt Le Tissier sends. Today we've lost the triple-flick one against Newcastle. It simply no longer exists. Sad!
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