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Everything posted by Warriorsaint

  1. Are you serious? They aren’t worth shit. Johnson has already broken the triple lock and broken his manifesto promise on tax rises. He is the biggest liar we have ever elected.
  2. I agree with most of your sentiments but yours seems to be of a reluctant acceptance. It will only be when the delayed border checks are implemented that the majority of the public see it impact their daily lives. I believe there will be a lot more scrutiny on the” oven ready “ deal then. The Tory govt will then blame the eu for being obstructive when it’s the one they negotiated. We are being treated exactly the way any other 3rd country is being treated, which is what we voted for apparently.
  3. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMRQJToKf/ Direct from the farmers themselves and betrayed Tories.
  4. Yes you did, naughty boy 👦
  5. 😂 Priti Patel still Home sec 😂
  6. Price of fish about to jump
  7. I knew you’d come round.
  8. Yes, yes I do. We are on the same page. These issues are not mutually exclusive. As this is a Brexit thread I comment on Brexit. To be fair a lot of the points you make are fair. I use local businesses when I can. Don’t use Amazon so don’t see what you’re trying to prove. None of us are angels but do what we can.
  9. Whats with the personal attacks? You can’t admit that ,so far, Brexit isnt what you expected. No one can say its been a roaring success. Can you not feel any sympathy for those that are losing businesses? I see no empathy from Brexiters and I find that sad.
  10. Seems like it. Its in the Mail though so take with a pinch of salt. Certainly seems like there is something going on.
  11. Warriorsaint

    GB News

    The inevitable will happen. This is the way it’s going. Made me chuckle this.
  12. Again with the childish insults. Play the ball not the man eh! I don’t know what you are trying to achieve with the name calling.
  13. Disagree, Morally it’s right. Also I think the Altright dismantling the NHS will fail. British people don’t want the American shitshow of a health system.
  14. Warriorsaint

    GB News

    Always seemed a front for Neoliberal money. Should go away quite quickly as it will only resonate with the EDL and Tommeh!
  15. I must be mistaken. The thread is called Post Brexit Reaction. This is my post Brexit reaction. I am not name calling anyone. Certainly not gloating. In my opinion it’s a disaster and I am posting stories that share this opinion. As you can see above, others are resorting to the name calling. I saw the error of my ways and no longer do this. Others have started adding stories and posts that seem to back up the Brexit benefits. I particularly liked the Daily Express one. I look forward to seeing many more. surely by sharing the media output about Brexit helps educate and inform. Maybe we can come to a consensus that Brexit is a clusterfuck of epic proportions and when we all agree on this we can share solutions.
  16. Again not talking about the issue. Are you suggesting I shouldn’t have an opinion? Venting Spleen. Behave. Why don’t you turn your attention to others that vent their spleen. This is a Brexit thread . I didn’t know there were rules that we mustn’t upset Brexiters with the damage they have done to the country.
  17. This has Murder written all over it
  18. This is a Brexit thread. If you find the thread tedious then don’t engage, no one is forcing you and you don’t get to “dictate”the scope of the discussion.
  19. Day 1 we were promised benefits not 50 years. No buses saying it might take 50 years to get back what we’ve lost
  20. I think the vast majority of the public didn’t vote for it but we are all suffering the consequences. Yet to hear of any Brexit benefits. The vast majority of brexiters bang on about how it’s done, we have to accept it. Nonsense.
  21. There is no legal way to claim asylum to the UK without being on UK soil. Also there is no legal requirement for France or anyone else for that matter to police the UK borders. Thank Brexit for that. In fact, by turning around boats we are breaking international maritime law. We are getting quite good at breaking treaties.
  22. Think you might like this one Duck, after all they are singing “Land of hope and glory” love all the flags too.
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