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Everything posted by Warriorsaint

  1. Brexit benefits day1? Wasn’t it. Another lie? Still can’t answer the question.
  2. Agree, but we are all paying for it. There is not satisfaction to be had. The majority of the countries standard of living is dropping each day and there seems to be no accountability. The populists and brexiters and Tory liars seem to deflect and blame everything on culture wars hoping we don’t hold them directly responsible. They well may be victorious and we will be subject to another decade of Tory austerity and tax cuts for the rich which is the real aim of the backers of Project leave. Does everyone forget Cummings, Cambridge Analytica and the rest.
  3. I understood it would be a clusterfuck long before the brexiters ever did so based on the resulting mess I reckon I understood it a lot more than the brexiters did. Your halfwitted response proves you were living in cloud cuckoo land, so whose the halfwit? Again Duckhunter can you point to any brexit benefits? After all we are 10 months in.
  4. That wasn’t a reason or Brexit benefit on the leaflets though was it? Don’t think many Brexiteers would agree with you though. You all knew what you were voting for though eh?
  5. Trying to find nuggets in the earthquake. I like the fact you only answer posts you feel comfortable with. The difficult ones with Brexit you tend to avoid like the plague. Can you point me to the upsides Duckhunter? Personal request to you. We’ll see if you answer.
  6. Can anyone tell me if any French, German or American utilities companies going bust?
  7. Glorious 😂
  8. Thats was the people with foresight knew. Our kids will be paying for this for decades We will return as the diminished nation we have become. Damn shame though. I fear we haven’t hit rock bottom yet but we will and then the only way is up. we will have to be pragmatic when the UK union breaks and the Celtic nations join the EU. We will have to be pragmatic and ease England back into the fold. It will be difficult but with compassion and persuasion it can be done. It might actually be a good thing in the long run. England may realign and become a more progressive, inclusive nation at ease with its new status as a regional European power as opposed to a tier 1 world power, as a backlash to the isolationist nation we are now. Its a pipe dream that might take 20,40 years but I think it’s achievable.
  9. Lord Duckhunter wont like it. Thought we kept all the forners out.
  10. Liar in chief!
  11. In other words, not a chance in hell if you fuck about in Ireland you twat. Johnson with begging bowl in hand. Easiest deal in history. What a statesman.
  12. Warriorsaint

    GB News

    Seems like neoliberal money is trying to force this American style divide and rule media on us. Fox news failed. Gbeebies failed now they’ll try Talktv with Murdoch and Piers Morgan. God help us if they ever deregulate the BBC.
  13. Oh yes I forgot. I read Duckhunters posts. Now I understand his vote. Doesn’t like forners does he? Wants an Anglo saxon world. Brexit will fail him somewhat I think.
  14. Problem is there is no opposition and there is some sort of Stockholm syndrome going on in the country that believes “Boris is doing his best”
  15. Keep the examples coming. I don’t see any brexiteers coming up with the sunny uplands stories.
  16. Me too, I love my country. They only want the right kind of people to live here.
  17. They are well on their way to taking us back to the 70’s 😂. The 50’s are now in sight.
  18. I quite like that idea, same as anti vaxxers all fucking off so we can get our lives back. I reckon they are one and the same so kill two birds with one stone. Besides whats the betting that this race to populism helped by Brexit is the wet dream of middle aged white men, not naming names, who want to control and police this new found “sovrinty” and decide who the right and wrong people are to live in their sunny uplands.
  19. Watching the BBC and tutting like most people. Im interested to see what it will take. I wonder which other clusterfuck crisis will befall the country next week. It seems they are coming thick and fast. Its only a matter of time before all these coincidences and other excuses collide and people put two and two together and decide this is the most inept government the country have had in living memory. Id love someone to explain to me how well the country is doing and how we are so well governed.
  20. This country is an absolute fucking shambles at the moment. Its hilarious. I think there is some bet on to see what level it has to get to before people riot. I want it to be the no Turkey for Christmas for the country to burn the place down lol.
  21. A lot to take in there and again where do I start? I forgot, you’re minting it mate aren’t you. One of Thatchers working class heroes. Youre out there celebrating in the Sunny uplands we are all experiencing.
  22. I preferred the Britain when we had food and could heat our homes. I wonder what changed?
  23. Sunny Uplands
  24. A, they might not B, They will, we had a better deal than any other member. C, Your right, so lets talk about how we gauge the public mood. D, Yes it will. Its only been 9 months but I am hoping within the next 5/10 years we’ll get to where we should be, for my Son’s sake.
  25. You flirt…..Fancy a drink? 🥃
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