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Everything posted by Warriorsaint

  1. The safe standing rails at Eastlands were great last week. Don’t want to see it throughout the ground as there are people who want to sit. Some old dears missed half the game as they had to sit behind standers
  2. Shocking prices when £30 is the capped away prices. Not a game for the masses anymore. I can just about justify £30 for a game. I won’t pay anymore for player wages.
  3. Where are all the Brexit boys? Very quiet lately. Would love their perspective on Brexit Britain. Just wondering if this was what they envisioned for the UK
  4. No, very niche market that lol 😆
  5. Its things like this that have led to the fuel shortage. People buy this shit
  6. Just been out to do the school run. Petrol stations rammed. Fuel wont last the day. What do you think would happen when this govt said Don’t panic. 😂
  7. I don’t know what you point is. Mine is not a response to a league table of finance hubs, mote the anti democratic closed shop to elite money. Not interested in a premier league table of institutional moneyed elites. They are not there for providing for the UK
  8. As you know full well the City of London is its own entity. It is not “London” Its own police force and its own autocracy. People who hold up the city of London as a beacon of British exceptionalism could do with looking into that particular little Pfiefdom. It needs destroying. Its not there for the betterment if the UK.
  9. Their campaign was so effective.I an as Left wing, woke, European as anyone and I was nearly swayed by the Turkey is about to join EU and flood Europe with Economic migrants. Looking back I am horrified by that thought but it got in my head. Just shows how good they were at stoking fear.
  10. With CB Fry on this one, the sloganeering from VL was effective. Most people don’t follow politics. This snippet swung the needle. As usual they won’t be held responsible and eventually led to Bozo Johnson. Advertising is effective. That’s why it exists.
  11. If everyone fills their tank to the brim once the tanks will run dry in a week. Have you forgotten 2005, 2007. It only takes a few lorries to fill up and then the station is fucked. Do you not think the haulage companies are not filling up as we speak. But you carry on. We’ll see where we are in a week.
  12. Knock on effect. This country runs on “just in time” supply. There is very little stockpiling. We had a very efficient delivery system within barrierfree single market. Although not the only reason, any disruption to free flow of goods exacerbates any delays due to driver shortage. The brexiters will state this is a global problem and blame testing but putting up of barriers due to Brexit makes this crisis infinitely worse. The EU will close ranks and find a solution to suit them. Everything that requires deliveries will be affected and unfortunately that means every aspect of our lives. We are also an island and very dependent on imports. For decades it was very easy for businesses to source supply tariff free throughout Europe. That is not the case now. It will take time to find supply within the UK to be more self sufficient. As our economy is not really manufacturing based this will take time to restructure. I don’t think people realise how much of a practical upheaval this Brexit causes Unless a plan is put into place quickly it will get worse. Again, those in charge know this was coming down the line and haven’t prepared for it. Does anyone believe this govt is competent enough to deal with it?
  13. Esso and Tesco now. You know how this ends. Don’t be naive.
  14. yeah! No need to panic. I heard the band kept playing on the deck of the Titanic BREAKING: BP says it has temporarily closed some UK sites due to supply issues with unleaded and diesel fuel resulting from a national shortage of HGV and tanker drivers. Get the latest updates: https://trib.al/C3bmZiX https://twitter.com/SkyNews/status/1441024337247678470/video/1
  15. Paul Kelley is one of the biggest turkey suppliers in Britain. He’s given countless interviews with mainstream media about recent supply chain chaos but they refused to air a word of it as soon as he mentioned Brexit. So here’s the truth. https://twitter.com/BylineTV/status/1441126719105110016/video/1
  16. Always been a costco shopper so always bought in bulk anyway lol 😂 . I wasn’t a panic buyer in the first lockdown. In fact I scoffed just like you. This feels a little different. Seems a lot of crises colliding at the same time . Seems very ‘ winter of discontent’ So yes I think I will have to mitigate for the worst. The usual will scoff project fear. We all know we we are though. I think we can disregard the liars in charge this time. Once bitten twice shy. Also just watched Question time for first time in months. Why bother? Same denial of issues. Same banal non answers. Does anyone believe we will not lurch from crisis to crisis with this lot?
  17. you are absolutely correct. Principal and practically are two very different beasts. You may be too young to remember the last fuel crisis. I remember it all too well. I am firmly in the panic buying tradition. Absolutely a hypocrite. As I suspect you will be when the time comes. At least I admit it.
  18. Ps going out to fill up the car. Apparently run on petrol stations starting. Just another day in Brexit Britain.
  19. Ducking the questions eh?
  20. Boris would love to sell off the licenses to his mates if he could.
  21. I am talking relatively recently like the companies going bust in uk due to supposed global conditions. I, with admittedly my anti brexit bias, attribute a lot of the issues here down to brexit exacerbating the issue. If it is exactly the same everywhere in the world to the same extent then I can happily accept that. If, however, it is happening in the UK because the media is not telling us the international dimension then I can attribute our issues, at least in part, to the unique issue of Brexit having a disproportionate effect on our utility companies. I am not fully aware of the global picture so can be persuaded but it does seem more than coincidental.
  22. Kettle, black?
  23. Genuinely interested, wasn't a sarcastic comment for once. I thought the reason was global wholesale prices so what is the relevance of the russian pipeline ?
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