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Everything posted by Warriorsaint

  1. Thats 10 words. Careful you should sit down and no driving for the rest of the day. I like how you used the word vocabulary there. It implies you know more words. Try using more of them. By using more words and reading more words you become more enlightened and progressive. Its good for all of us.
  2. Absolutely pointless drivel. How to even comment on this. No semblance of reality or evidence. You just feel it in your water right? My view is its a lot more than this. Possibly 3.14% of the population are fascist or it might be 69%. Good grief. Really grim thinking. Do you count out loud on your fingers too?
  3. Hooray, all 30p Lees’ disciples are here. I can deduce you are all retired GB news watching pub bores. The only one I truly get a kick out of is Little Lord Fauntlefuck but he doesn’t seem to engage. The rest of you clusterfuck snowflakes are really tier 2 and need each other to gang fuck anyone who is invading your little kingdom. Your views are as ancient as your ball sacks and unfortunately you understand you can’t say your boomer views out loud so try and belittle others on here. Its nice to redress the balance once in a while. Lets see how many respond with more than 20 words. I know many can do it even if they have to bring the numskulls in their brain out of retirement.
  4. And again, not engaging the previous point. Have you have an assessment for ADHD? Heres a question. Do you have a percentage figure for those that are not fascists? Just a ball park figure?
  5. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Chefs kiss. Again with the erudite literacy of a bonfire
  6. No, read again the post where I stated “minority” If you are going to engage be accurate. The Daily Express, Sun and Telegraph are not Social Media. The views of the fascist minority have leached into mainstream life, media. Are you seriously suggesting people like Farage, Wooton, Grimes, 30p Lee, Braverman et al do not parrot fascist tropes to ignite and divide? I suggest you are putting your head in the sand
  7. Proof if it was needed of not engaging with the point and cherrypicking points for distraction. You are also on Social media espousing your views. What do you thing Saintsweb is? Are you suggesting young peoples views who live on Social media are somehow inferior to your geriatric views. Surely not?
  8. A minority with a rather large voice and mouthpiece. Just for education I suggest looking at some of the comments on social media regarding the deaths in the channel recently. Some of these people are openly espousing glee at human death. Referring to humans as an invading army of rats. Where have we heard that before? The other point you made stating how unseemly to accuse a modern day politician in Britain of this may do well to remember we have had this before with Moseley and Powell.
  9. Would you accept that people with fascist views could jump on words like “invasion” and in hearing it from the Home Secretary may engender that views to that effect coning from the third highest office in the land may indeed now be acceptable. It is, therefore, not a stretch to refer her muttering as a fascist mouthpiece.
  10. Yes looking and ogling for one!
  11. I wondered where you went, you obviously had to go look it up. Since your asking Joyce was an Irish writer who is, commonly regarded, as one of the greatest exponents of the English language. The complexity of his storytelling is dense, linguistically beguiling and at times baffling and unstructured. I hope that helps in his discovery. It is fine writing but I have struggled myself with Ulysses. Maybe you could have a go and critique it for me. It would help if you could use more than one word, one sentence replies as it would take a lot of posts lol. Good luck though, you’ve got this.
  12. I humbly suggest that people like Suella Braverman is a good example of a fascist mouthpiece. Policing language is another great example of fascism.
  13. I suggest you go for a walk.
  14. Its all that’s needed. After 13 years of these cretins. Anything would be better. A return to relative normalcy is whats required to put the extremists and fascists mouthpieces back underground.
  15. It is appropriate at times I agree to get to the point quickly, sometimes it requires reinforcement two or three times to really get the point across. I’m glad you noticed that. Again, it reinforces the previously made point that the ringpiece trolls, such as yourself, will pluck the smallest snippet of a thread for distraction purposes rather than engage the point. The point being I referred to another poster as a “cock” You haven’t grasped the pivotal point that he’s a cock and have not supplied a counter argument. You need to do better than these one word, one sentence responses. They do not represent the guiding light intellect you possess. There is no use hiding your gifts under a bushell. It needs to be set free to grow and evolve. I know its there. You can do it. Waiting , with anticipation, for your next joyful, wonderment filled essay in response. I will spend days pouring over the wit and enthusiasm you bring to every encounter.
  16. The length and complexity of your Joycean prose is somewhat overwhelming. It may take some time to process and consider my response to your varied and well thought out points. Hmmmn no, no need. It seems your slumber was disturbed, maybe you saw the bat sign in the sky summoning all the trolls to assemble from under their bridges. I await, with baited breath, for the layers of complexity from your one sentence responses.
  17. Why would I, it tastes of peanut butter, my absolute fav. I have never licked your arse but I imagine it tastes of rancid undigested offal ingested from the spewed gruel fed to you by the Tories, BNP and Farage. I will continued to lick Soggys fragrant, washed and perfumed arsehole. Its spreads enlightened fertiliser on Englands green and pleasant land. You could do with licking a bit yourself. You might find yourself grow.
  18. Finely put and well said. The wingnut brigade do need to be called out. Primarily the racist Sir Snugfuggler and his/her ilk. wester-havin-a-mare is also scuttling around thinking saintsweb is a personal fiefdom and when called out their little bully gang jump in. There seems to be a very predictable response from them when responding to very articulate and thought out posts, from posters like yourself, they seem to cherrypick very small snippets for distraction and tend not to embrace the entirety of the post. It reveals a limited intellect and is entirely consistent with their yah boo personalities and explains somewhat how some people fall at the alters of Farage and Braverman. I, for one, enjoy your posts soggy and enjoy the entirely predictable frothing it provokes The gammons will be removed from the gene pool one heart attack at a time just as Darwin wanted.
  19. Thats the best you’ve got. Looking does not equal ogling. Really try harder. I think projection is the problem and jealousy of my vast wealth and very fast car. You just need to get a job and you too can be a sexist sweaty perv as you have the definition down pat.
  20. Were you spying? Are you a voyeur/ peeping tom? Where is the ogling going on? For ogling there would need to be a pool or gathering/swarm of big titted German women. I engage with big titted German women and I like them. Something about their big tits attracts me. For me to be sexist it would need a discrimination against women in favour of men. To the contrary I worship big titted German women. I think your definitions need revising. It feels to me you have a problem with me liking Germans which would make you xenophobic. On another note, I don’t tend to be very sweaty looking at German women. I tend to get sweaty when engaging in carnality or outdoor exercise. Do you get sweaty looking at women?
  21. Yes and you failed miserably
  22. Hmmmmn, I’m pretty sure I’ve never called you any of those things. I merely intimated my usual foes tend to be thick brexitards. Take a breath, realise this is not really important and merely a game of mongboard chess. We are all trolls of a sort. Football chat is fairly sedate whereas the lounge allows us to be a bit mote combative. No need to get knickers in a twist. I realise, nowadays, views are polarised and there is no swaying views or opinions based on nuance or reasoned debate. I’ve accepted this. Therefore, knowing this, we play a football game of two sides. Somedays one side wins over the other and it makes the tedium of life a little more bearable. None of us, if we were to meet in person, would ever dream of being so uncouth to each other but this medium allows us to behave like our more base selves. Do not pretend otherwise. Play the game or play the man. It’s the same game. Much love, Gammonbreaker
  23. Not every poster. Just right wing Brexit gammons. They tend to dish it out but tend to turn very pink when challenged on their rather bizarre views( Sir Dicksucker being a case in point but he/she was seen off because he/she was challenged on his/her xenophobia) Personal insults are only reciprocated. It seems you, in particular, can insinuate alcoholic impairment but is butthurt when the supposed Ace is returned. I will soon return to my natural home, the Brexit thread, where the gammons fear to tread.
  24. To be fair you are a cock!
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