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Everything posted by Warriorsaint

  1. Touched a nerve eh? The bully doesn’t like being bullied. Did I spell that well enough for you? I call out odious views of which you have many. Come, now don’t be shy. I merely return your oh so subtle barbs but it stings you doesn’t it? No need to be respectful though, why start now? It doesn’t suit you. If you can’t handle a bit of back and forth don’t engage. Just walk off the field if the red mist will let you Mr Freud. Goodnight sweetheart 😘
  2. Ah, there it is. The weak bully looking for vulnerability. You won’t find it here you preening narcissist. Maybe you have a nice car, play golf and have a paunch beginning to show but I somehow doubt it. Likely more a very frustrated old man with high blood pressure with an abused ex wife? Perhaps you like a drink or two? Maybe you have children who no longer visit due to your failings as a father. See how easy it is to fabricate nonsense or maybe I hit close to home. Your attempts at some amateur Freud is embarrassing for you. Keep going I can play for a while longer. Try getting your spelling club pals together and I’ll set a test. I’ll give you ten words you can all spell and I bet you’ll get 10/10. I’ll give you all gold stars. You’ll remember those won’t you or has dementia set in yet?
  3. Why are you bothered? Have you something to tell us?
  4. Christ I didn’t realise you all had such a interest in education. I understand back in your day you would get your knuckles rapped fir bad spelling. It doesn’t happen anymore grandad so you can put these nightmares to bed. No-one will come after you for bad spelling. My old liberal English teacher always told me spelling was for the idiots, thoughts and knowledge imparted and displayed were more important as a guide for intelligence. Im glad to say Winkle and having a mare are consummate spellers.
  5. The gotchas keep coming don’t they you loon! Having to scroll through posts to find spelling mistakes to distract from your woeful takes. Only respond to what you think gives you a win. Its a dimwitted approach and one only imagines Western having a mare giggling like a schoolgirl. Look guys he can’t spell only, and then whats the followup gut punch? “Look guys he can’t spell car” giggle giggle. Come on you dimwit, try harder.
  6. You really are sinister aren’t you? Must really be getting under your skin.
  7. A little video for Hypo. Lets replace the word facilities with barge and see how the language matters hypo. https://x.com/supertanskiii/status/1691111563590008832?s=46&t=sHH85X8TkV41x3qYO-bdug
  8. I often thought Pele and George Best were overated and never thought much of Messi to be fair. Always thought Ronaldo had a mistake in him.
  9. Shall we compare post counts to see whose “lonely”? I come on this site for the entertainment when I’m bored or at a loose end because its an easy place to find the simpleminded, clustered together in a pseudo dungeons and dragons game set. I could come back in a year and the same circle jerk saddoes will still be here ranting at immigrants and the wokerati. Tell me I'm wrong.
  10. I’m sorry but the wit is one way. You can barely string a sentence together. It one really works when the rest of the circus freaks join you. The predictable Brexitard, reactionary froth you guys spew only gets interesting when your various neuroses bind together to form a kind of effluent sewage. When it gushes, only then, does it feel appropriate to respond to the guff rinse and repeat bollox you give out.
  11. Wheres your witty and fullsome reply Winkle. You’ve gone quiet. You have to reply within five minutes. Going for a fat shit or something to eat or conversation must not get in the way of a gammon shafting.
  12. Theres a game on Google called Geoguesser. It gives you clues to a destination and you try and guess the place. Right up your alley I reckon. No I am not a policeman in Northern Ireland. I am a zookeeper in Botswana. What is this detective fantasy you have?
  13. You all ran away! I can only best whats put in front of me! Nice of you to come back after your nap and cup of tea. Just no masturbating whilst thinking about me please!
  14. This is a great post and articulates far better than I could the current state of discourse in England. Its about divide and rule and the infuriating thing is even their defenders recognise the tactic. What is so depressing is the sheer obviousness of it and the fact that the continued volume of outrage and bombast is so enormous that when you have addressed its sheer stupidity then the next outrage shows up. Its frankly exhausting. The idiots defending them have no idea how toxic the country is and how it came to be this way. They are so angry but don’t realise their anger is so misdirected.
  15. Don’t you tell me something is not up for debate. You can’t discriminate against me. I have a view just like you. Donald Trump is a shape shifting lizard and is trying to destroy the world
  16. Who is this guy? Must live in Dover and throw rocks at boats. Brexit really helped with that eh?
  17. No you don’t, you live in a nursing home.
  18. Yes, its a distraction from the orange ping pong ball going to prison
  19. I knew you would. They are like fine wines Grandad. I have a grading system for cup size and glide in motion. I find the Germans however have cornered the market in terms of proportion. I haven’t found another nationality so at ease with bulk. I fear Brexit has made it harder to encounter such efficient specimens.
  20. You make a fair point. For me, numbers are irrelevant to the point that the rhetoric is amplified to the mainstream. To having a government who is supposed to represent the entire country giving extreme views national exposure is dangerous. To give 30p Lee, the vice chairman of the Conservative government, carte blanche to talk about a woke cabal, lawyers being enemies of the people and invasions. These headlines are parroted in mainstream newpapers and carried by the BBC not fringe. The easily distracted and persuaded leads to mobs outside hotels. This is fascist behaviour. I do not necessarily believe these politicians are necessarily fascists but certainly using fascist techniques. That is my belief.
  21. Well I am a policeman. I do this kind of deduction for a living.
  22. Ok So you need a denial. I am not a teacher or involved in any educational field. My turn. I believe you to be the first protagonist in the movie Seven. The character of sloth a moment away from keeping your bloated carcass from drowning in a bowl of soup, your head so heavy you can barely lift it. The way your life panned out this way is as a result from that time your split your frenulum trying to fkkk a car exhaust. The local kids saw and you never lived it down. You try to live your life vicariously through others by tracking them down online and imagining the glamorous lives of teachers and sweaty pervs. Normally people would have pity on the likes of you. I don’t. I would kick you. ps I retract the kick, I wouldn’t want to get my shoes dirty.
  23. Can you walk on rainbows? Did you know dogs see in black and white?
  24. Ive noticed you do this. You like to find out little details as some sort of threat to expose people. You tried to accuse me of another profession once as well. Why do peoples professions matter to you so much? Is it because you’d like one of your own? You do actually try and Sherlock Holmes this crap. Its quite sinister!
  25. Hey Sog can we team up like the Avengers to tackle these grouchy old trolls. They remind me of the monkeys in London Zoo eating their own poo and flinging shit at those watching their primitive antics. They get butthurt really easily. I reckon the Blood pressure pills take a beating regularly by these snowflake dinosaurs. I get the impression they live here because life has passed them by. BTW what is the circle of Trust you fucking infants?
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