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Everything posted by Warriorsaint

  1. Warriorsaint


    Hopefully the doublethink will be realised and the russian money allowed to infect our democracy is finally exposed. Aaron Banks, Farage et all bankrolled by the Russians to be seen as the traitors they are.
  2. Warriorsaint


    Doesn’t matter. If he tips India and China into full support there is nothing the west can do. Stalemate and new cold war.
  3. Warriorsaint


    220,000 cases a day now you know. Next spike incoming.
  4. Warriorsaint


    I’ll post this to Nigel Farage. He might want to change sides, the traitor.
  5. Its a game of 2 halves. Relax.
  6. Go on, admit you vote for these ghouls.
  7. Must be. Surely there wouldn’t be double standards with this corrupt lot.
  8. Warriorsaint


  9. Warriorsaint


    To be fair it was the one thing he was right about. I don’t know if it was him or not but he nailed this. Hindsight is a great thing. He was and is a lunatic though. Thank God Biden is there now. At this moment in time he is playing the high stakes poker game very well.
  10. Warriorsaint


    They don’t need nukes to kick out an invading force. Read a book.
  11. I dare you to watch this and describe where we live as Great Britain.
  12. Warriorsaint


    No, not particularly. Just the usual right wing talking points indicating not an original thought in your head. I think the clincher was” imagine no European country has nukes” I can . Shall I name them?
  13. Warriorsaint


    Read your own post. Its all there. Bet you love Farage too. Amiright? its too easy
  14. Warriorsaint


    Youre an idiot
  15. Warriorsaint


    Thankyou. Beginning to see the light. Don’t know how Germany sleeps at night without nukes
  16. Warriorsaint


    I agree with Corbyn. Absolutely no reason for us to have nukes. We are as important as Norway
  17. 😂 Christ its hard to find a laugh during this
  18. Warriorsaint


    Good, they are correct. If you don’t have missiles youre not a target. Don’t see Russia pointing nukes at Peru.
  19. Warriorsaint


    Fuckem all. Its Russians firing missiles into schools and mining evacuation routes. Choose a side. No grey in this one. You are for the Russians or against. Simple
  20. Can’t even get Ukrainian refugees into the country. Everything this govt touches turns to shit. What an embarrassment.
  21. We are never keeping Broja, Christ I wish wed got him in January. At this rate only Newcastle can afford him.
  22. Can we go back to the first half team?
  23. No hes a pussy. Russians flavour of the month that I can put real vitriol into lol 😂
  24. Armstrong and Brija on
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