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Everything posted by Warriorsaint

  1. Anyone watching this press conference. Rehash and repeat! SR have really ballsed us up with this one appointment. Sooner he goes the better!
  2. Thats a fair point. Maybe overegged the point. I was an exile by the time Harry arrived and don’t remember the vitriol aimed at him. I do remember him being Marmite and even some of us thinking we’d got one over on Pompey by getting him. I think most of us got behind the team in our fight that relegation season. I may be misremembering though. I don’t see the fight this season from the fans or it developing as long as Jones is here. Just an opinion.
  3. Sorry, don’t agree. Worse than Branfoot. Sometimes you have to make your voice heard. Ive backed a plethora of rubbish managers for this club. I backed Sturrock ffs!!! This guy is an embarrassment and I wouldn’t have him at the helm of my Sons under 11 rugby team never mind the frontline of a multimillion pound business. Give him back to Luton. He obviously thinks they’re the best in Europe. In fact 9/10 Saints fans would rather have Harry Redknapp back than this guy. We know how this ends. He can’t pull it back enough to turn the crowd. Better now when we still have a chance.
  4. Did you use chatgbt to come up with that one? Fuck me!
  5. Said anything racist lately you absolute puddle of piss?
  6. He is a plonker tbf.
  7. Welsh? Whats your problem?
  8. Racist!
  9. Any Brexitards around or have they all left the battlefield now? Wheres lord fuckwomble, Giddy mistrial and the rest with their brexit benefits. Gone very quiet haven’t they?
  10. You really are mired in negativity, aren’t you? What joy to you get in life? We support Southampton, you plank. It is supposed to be like this. Like 90% of all teams in the country its a rollercoaster. We will always ride the waves at times and sink like a stone at others. It makes no sense the amount of vitriol you live with. Ralph will move on, do really well somewhere and we will get another b team manager that we’ll sack in three years and the world still turns. Rant over.
  11. Ralph looking stressed. Looks beaten.
  12. Indeedy. I noticed he didn’t elaborate on the sunlit uplands
  13. Where are the Brexitards? Im still waiting for my Brexit bonuses. Its only been six years. Where are you JRM, GM, moisin, Duckweed?
  14. You have a point!
  15. I left at 2-0. Have never done that before in 30 years of going. Must be getting old.
  16. Takes one to know one
  17. Go away you fool
  18. There he is. Farages cockwomble. Had enough of screaming at black mermaids and Meghan Markle? Tell us Duckfucker how is Brexit going?
  19. The gift that keeps on giving etc etc
  20. What a reasonable point. Is this actually duckhead? Surely an imposter?
  21. Such a bunch of whinging ninnies in this thread.
  22. Islands if possible also
  23. Good grief, please get laid!
  24. Anyone showing this or on radio?
  25. Is this on the radio anywhere. Currently stuck in Croatia. No streams working
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