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About Rem

  • Birthday 15 June

Rem's Achievements

  1. Sorry to see Yoshi go. He was a great servant to the club. Best of luck for the future.
  2. Have fond memories of seeing Ron at the Dell. An absolute hero. RIP.
  3. I am in total shock at this decision. Nigel you have made following Saints an absolute pleasure over the past couple of years. I will always be a Saints fan, but from now on I will follow your career with interest, it won't be hard because your future is assured and you will come back to help some club achieve the magnificent results you have with us. Good luck for the future.
  4. Rem

    Where are you?

    Wangaratta, Victoria, Australia. It's 5:45pm here. The game stars at 2am Sunday our time.
  5. Here we all are sitting on the edge of our seats waiting for "good" news and the OS has its major story as, "Important Matchday Parking Information"
  6. Rem

    Jim Magilton

    Jim Magilton has just been appointed as new coach of Melbourne Victory.
  7. I have supported Melbourne Victory since the start of the A League... however, this season Melbourne Heart joined the league and wear Saints colours. A bit of a quandry really.
  8. He's got pubes on his fingers? That's unusual, he must be exceptional.
  9. Shakespeare's Oliver Twist? Charles Dickens might have had something to say about that! But then he was probably a Pompey fan.
  10. Maybe, just maybe, they'll arrive this afternoon!
  11. The Dean Cox from the West Coast Eagles is 204cm tall (6' 8").
  12. When you're talking about Cox 2 inches matters a lot!
  13. Rem

    Reality Check!

    I have every confidence in AP. He is approaching this task in a sensible and methodical way. He is evaluating what he has, he will then go out and find what he needs to be successful. We may not be as advanced as other League 1 teams at the moment but that will come as builds the team in the shape that he wants. I am as impatient as the next guy, I’ve been trawling this site for the past week hoping for new signings, but I know AP is right in taking a considered, positive approach. I expect to start the season slowly but within 6 weeks or so we’ll be competing with the best of them. Hold on for the ride…. and keep the faith, this is going to be an exciting season.
  14. Including Ali Dia?
  15. Ahhh, it's got to be true then 'cause you can't get any higher than god authority.
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