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Ex Ringwood Saint

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Everything posted by Ex Ringwood Saint

  1. all three pundits on ESPN call it a pen.....
  2. Morgans was never a pen as he had a handful of the city players shirt and lost his footing.J Rod was one of those that on a good day you get....But we are still up, playing well. Cork and Yoshi been fab..And J Rod has impressed me too
  3. makes up for the villa one ?? J Rod again...
  4. he ****s when he wants!!
  5. Any one watching the ESPN build up..god its awful....anyway free pass for this one as others have said..the carrot is going back above Newastle if we win..tough ask but who knows....reckon we will sneak a draw.....
  6. I am in Fleet - loads of nice villages around - good for London and Southampton/Winchester on the M3 and the rail lines -Basingrad and surrounding areas are not too bad.....
  7. Shouldn't that be a hard spot ??
  8. Last saw Malcolm Waldron when he visited my dad to talk about his pension! Think he was working for Abbey Life as was in Bournemouth back in the 90's..... I had that kit too - full socks shorts and top - my bro had the blue kit, and although it was Blue....it was a cool second kit.....
  9. Great Pic...Katalinic was a star! And his mate Golac my fav saints player of all time..some of my best saints memories were watching this lot with my dad and brother in the Milton end....
  10. Murray just blown three break points in the second though..!
  11. I thought this was going to say talented Algerian tchnician OR dissident kidnapping terrorist - and put up a picture of him with a beard and storming a BP gas refinery in the Algerian desert....... Anyway I seem to remember enjoying his brief cameo during that season.....
  12. As a chemist I would have to say elemental fluorine is pretty cool, although i have mot handed it. As metals go using potassium and sodium together is always fun. Never got the chance to play with caesium, as you just don't use it unless you have nothing better to do!! Bromine is fun, fuming noxious liquid that is incredibly dense, and you can set fire to magnesium and nickel catalysts pretty easily if you are not careful. Chemistry is fun!
  13. Off to see Black rebel motorcycle club at Brixton on March...first gig for me for over a year....have always wanted to see them live....
  14. It's very interesting.i am a scientist so love the whole origins of the process of modern research, and the characters are great..lots of pages to get through though!!
  15. Reading the Baroque cycle by Neal Stephenson and then have Berlin and Stalingrad to keep me going ...been enjoying Phillip Kerr's Bernie Gunther series too...
  16. Nine inch nails, ministry and faith no more during my student years..for big gigs I would say Metallica at Earls court a few years ago, and I would give a mention to depeche mode!!
  17. Stupid free kick..last mi ute..
  18. Inevafukinball
  19. Offside stoke goal...
  20. Painful....pinball in the box again.....
  21. Stoke playing four up...Crouch to score..?
  22. Painful....oh well ten men Stoke...ref is going to get lynched!!
  23. Ahem..Guly....
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