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Ex Ringwood Saint

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Everything posted by Ex Ringwood Saint

  1. I have long thought about this one.....Man in the box by Alice in chains would be amusing.....for something classical i work colleague who recently passed away went out to Orff -Carmina Burana.....sort of omenesque.....!
  2. Gaston is ****!!!!!!nowlets put this to bed....
  3. Guess we both know this road pretty well...the four lane stretch east and west is a nightmare, and I am sure a more sensible option exists...can't help thinking a lot if the issues stem from the origins of failing to properly bypass ringwood back in the day, leading to issues with the local rOad system round matches and verwood as you say....
  4. The A31 in general past Ringwood has just got worse and worse. My parents place is on Southampton rd and backs on to the A31. The speed people hack along there, and the number of accidents is just stupid. They have been complaining for ages about the noise getting worse as more cars use the route, and the speeds are kept at 70-80 mph. Why it can't be restricted to 50 past Ringwood I don't know- and that stupid junction by the Fish Inn needs to be sorted out ....Thoughts are with the girls family - and I just wish they would sort something out there soon..
  5. http://www.thefrisky.com/photos/18-celebrity-nip-slips/nip-slip-kirsten-dunst-new-jpg/ can't do images...great collection here though, and who doesn't appreciate the odd Dunst nip...
  6. Heard him interviewed recently - he was battling emphysema after years of smoking..... Great actor and character - although i hated ever decreasing circles......Will be sadly missed....
  7. Had both knees done 2 yrs ago - had the op pre Christmas so sat on my arse for three weeks and got waited on by family so great! Back running within 3 months after physio sessions. My advice is listen to the physio when you are doing rehab - strengthening the knees back up after the op, and the subsequent inactivity is key to a healty recovery. Also I warn you that post op most knees are never the same. There is evidence that any invasive joint surgery will heighten the chance of arthritic issues in later life - it is just the nature of the bodies immune system etc Anyway I am running 10k's regularly and enjoying that, but I have stopped playing footy at the age of 40 as the twisting and sudden impact is just too painful still....The op itself is no problem, and I was mobile (all be it with crutches) the evening after....
  8. I was thinking the exact thing earlier....can't believe that Oakley was on a par with cork?? Svenson flattered to deceive. Different systems though I suppose all I can say is I am enjoying the team that we are developing, and the ages of the payers shows we have a fantastic future to come....Morgan and cork et season could be immense!!
  9. Great performance today...last few minutes he was still Tackling running and pushing deep in to the man c half. If he could shoot he would be a shoe in for England....if of course he moved to a top four side.....
  10. Looked really composed and dealt with everything in a calm way today..confidence of the back five is noticeable now...
  11. Was impressed with lallana when he came on...great to have him back and to think we used to crap ourselves when he was not available....shows how this team and squad has come on over the years.....
  12. Can we have an everyone category on the mom poll??
  13. Cork, Jrod Lambert,Yoshi and Punch all ran their hearts out ...immense..3-1...Saints fav score!!
  14. thats the business.......!!!!!
  15. keep ball from saints...great stuff
  16. Trousers.....you post everything I do ten sconds sooner!!!
  17. Lallana coming on....
  18. great stop Boruc..keep it going saints
  19. 61% posession for saints 2nd half
  20. Cork great play there....
  21. Punch is on fire there!!
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