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Ex Ringwood Saint

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Everything posted by Ex Ringwood Saint

  1. reckon my first game was the same time as the original poster, about 1977 with my dad taking me in the Milton, ~5-6 years old, little wooden box to stand on....as others have said..pretty much hooked from then on...my nipper is 2 1/2 and i just hope i get the chance to take him to see saints (either because they won't exist, or because child services deem it an act of cruelty....)
  2. Anyone mentioned about paying membership?? I used to be one then let it lapse due to how easy it was to get tickets, and for all the negative reasons about how the club was run. If everyone renewed or decided to become members again it would certainly be an easy way to get some cash for the club....
  3. I would put in a couple of hundred if this was done properly with the fans getting proper representation.....
  4. STID...I am a saint, My dad and brother and mother and my son are all saints.... Can't make saturday but will get to as amny games as I can to do my bit between now and the end. COYR...don't know what I would do without you.....
  5. strange sub that... come on !!!!
  6. Just has a 0-0 all over it.. however in my alternate universe i reckon 3-1 saints with Micky Evans on the score sheet.....
  7. 78 % of possesion but done f all with it..at least if we had made the keeper get his knees dirty a few times ....
  8. pretty play in the middle comes to nothing..opposition hoof up field, **** up and goal..sums us up really
  9. Agree with all your points.. prticularly impressed by DMG's effort today..probably coz he was on TV and looking for a move!! Lallana does have a fantastic touch but needs to get LeTizz to teach him how to finish..!!
  10. First time for me too this season. they try and try but so many times get close to goal and go up blind alleys. Defensively we look so niave and light weight. The shooting is abysmal and why we start with one up at home is beyond me.. Anyway 10 out of 10 for trying i suppose....
  11. The welsh radio is commenting about the lack of marking of there big centre backs when they come up for corners...problem is with the younger lads not coping with them ...ie McGoldrick marking at corners...
  12. Under the cosh a bit, but to go behind and score quickly is great for the lads. Hope they can come out fighting from the off..2-1 to us BWP off his backside in injury time....
  13. Normal service is resumed..watch them crow about it on sky sports....
  14. Macinnally seems impressed with Schneiderlin and Gillet together...
  15. chance from free kick goes begging...
  16. Got that dour miserable scott watching it on Sky sports...
  17. COYR!!! first goal to wednesday v burnley...
  18. I have only managed the letizz and benali testamonials, both good nights. My old man has the Payne and Channon testimonial programs aalong with a few others, and remembers the Channon one being a fantastic night. I think some of the 70's testimonial programs had characatures on the covers ? Was this Ron Davis who drew them? Anyone remember/got the pictures?? certainly remember seeing programs for a couple of others, probably Ted Bates and John Sydenham..
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