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Sweet dee

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Everything posted by Sweet dee

  1. I moved to Poole about 5 years ago, around the same time my brother moved to pompey, I regularly get called scummer more than he does 🤣
  2. While there's clearly some merit to having a solid tactical game, and to a lesser degree maybe formation, I don't think they're anywhere near as important as people have us believe, it's definitely a modern thing, football is pretty simple to play, the reason why it's so popular, if anyone has ever played it at any level they know that whatever the manager says pretty much leaves your head the second you leave the changing room, then you just get on with actually playing, also "pep" and his tactical genius, he's managed Barcelona, bayern and now City, squads that I could send out play rush goalie and still walk their leagues 😂😂😂
  3. Back in my playing days I was great without the ball, people giving me the ball is where it always went wrong 😂
  4. Another important stat that everyone is overlooking, My wife says he's gone straight into first place on the saints players she finds attractive chart
  5. I really don't think rafa will last long at Everton, and I think we'll get a win there today, early goal get the fans turning straight away, 2-0 saints, maybe 😂
  6. Well done on your brave crusade to twist and turn everything into a reason to get your nips all puffed up, Be careful to get yourself tangled up your lanyard
  7. Yeah loads better, cheers 😘👍 Enjoy the barn dance later, and the game tomorrow. Come on you rainbows 🏑🥋🦜
  8. This, coupled with the other responses, I'm going to say you definitely are confused by what I was saying, try to not let it ruin your evening, and I'm sorry if I made you go over a few lines in your adult colouring book xxx
  9. Lolz, either you've got yourself really confused and grabbed the wrong end of lots of sticks, or you're trying way too hard, whatever, doesn't really matter, neither of us are going to change the world chatting on a saints forum, but it's fun to try sometimes, big loves to all xxx
  10. Not sure how you get to that opinion from me saying I like the shirt and its message of inclusion, don't really see the rainbow shirt causing the division, upset, hate or discrimination you seem to be worried it will, I expect most people will either enjoy it or ignore it without getting themselves all frothy
  11. Confusing reply, but I think what you're saying is my comment made you sad, sorry about that, didn't mean to upset you😘
  12. I don't think I'd struggle that much really, but OK 😘
  13. I like it, great that the club is embracing inclusiveness, even better because it gets all the Karen's on here all hot and bothered 😂
  14. I'm not overly fussed that he's left, obviously would rather have him, but I'm not angry, don't really care either way, we'll be OK, I do have to laugh when people try and justify mercenary behaviour though, like it's a normal job and he's just had a promotion because he needs a few more quid, he's looking out for his family etc, he could probably buy a house every month, what more do they need 😂😂😂
  15. So much for his supposed champions league aspirations then 🤣 Ultimately he held the club to ransom so flogging him to villa for 30 million isn't a bad bit of business, especially as there's every chance he'll miss half the season anyway
  16. Villa had to start somewhere, every club does, and we do start to get twitchy for a sale around the 25 million mark, he'll probably end up going for 35-40, can't see us holding out for anymore than that, hope I'm wrong, I'd like to keep him 💁
  17. Villa had to start somewhere, every club does, and we do start to get twitchy for a sale around the 25 million mark, he'll probably end up going for 35-40, can't see us holding out for anymore than that, hope I'm wrong, I'd like to keep him 💁
  18. Looks good, natural finisher, also, be nice to have a consistent penalty taker again 👍
  19. The way they came back and finished second, the fact they have England next, at Wembley, the then perceived easier route, then the final also at Wembley, already been written off, I think Germany are winning this tournament 😂 I'd be feeling more confident if we were playing them in Germany to be honest
  20. Agree with some of the other comments here about diallo, think he looks a decent player, full pre season and a bit more game time and I think he'll come good, certainly don't feel its a position we need to be overly concerned about strengthening compared to other areas
  21. Calling an irish person a mick is definitely not the same as saying yank or limey, it's a slur weighted with ethnic/religious bigotry history
  22. If it wasn't bad enough that people were taking offence at an anti racism gesture, now some here are getting upset over adverts, but apparently racism doesn't exist here 🤦‍♀️
  23. He's certainly frustrating to watch at times but that's because he's a good player and you know he's got the ability, seems to be a confidence thing when it comes to crossing or shooting, the rest of his game is fairly good, sometimes he's unplayable, makes all the right runs, great feet, just panics at the crucial times, he's clearly got ability, just need to watch the training videos, so I don't agree when people say he's shite or whatever, could probably do with someone having a rummage around in his brain box, and a nice big cuddle before games, as he's definitely a confidence player
  24. Was enjoying the game up until then, getting caught flat footed from a straight ball is never a good look, but got fault the goalkeeper there
  25. I don't really understand anyone being angry at people taking a stand or this case a knee against racism, and as for the complaints of it being political, well yeah it is, highlighting inequality, asking for change, or kicking against prejudice is political, why be angry at that, the fans protesting the European super league was political, and that's generally been seen as a good thing
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