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Everything posted by Castro

  1. Got my ticket today and the 'corners' are not open yet - Come on everyone get your tickets, the club needs you!
  2. Was going to catch the train but as StuRomseySaint said earlier in the thread, public transport is no good that day. I have just checked and If you catch the 1st train out of Soton you don't get to Nottingham until after the KO (no direct trains) ! I doubt it very much due to the cost but do you think the club would lay on a football special!?
  3. Castro


    I'll be there - Driving up so I hope there is no snow!!
  4. Have to agree about the fans. Bmth fans appeared to be split into two groups (one in middle and one on side at the Bmth end) who by all accounts don't like each other, so were singing different songs at the same time! Must admit I could not hear the Luton fans (as I was sat in the Bmth end) but could see lots of clapping. Also I can't remember either keeper having to make a save.
  5. I went last night too, as I now live in 'Cherry Land'. According to a couple of my Bmth mates who I sat with, they thought Jake Thompson played realy well on Saturday but you do have to remember that this is Division 2 football and he probably stands out from the rest of them (apart from last night!).
  6. Branfoot! - I still have my 'We want Branfoot out' T-Shirt
  7. I'm going to try and park at the park and ride (Foster Wheeler, Shinfield Park). It has 500 spaces and is free. If you want to use the bus from there it is £3.50 Return & £2.00 for a child. Directions are on the Reading Web Site.
  8. Had a cracking time - Beer 11p a pint and even McDonalds had larger on tap! Gave a taxi driver (completly mad drivers) about £30 to drive us from bar to bar - he was as chuffed as nuts. We will be back
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