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Maury Dyer

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  1. Pompeii must be laughing their headsoff
  2. No pride at all.Disgrace.
  3. For Christ's sake just let them go down now. Sick to death of the whole thing.
  4. How's our new manager bounce going then ? Wankers
  5. Another Weekend ruined. Thanks a bunch. SR must be happy with the certainty of going down. or will they wake up in March and realise something is wrong ?.
  6. How can the club, or it's owners, expect fans to keep turning up to be laughed at week after week ??. What is their thinking. Sick of it now.
  7. So happy when we went up. I'm soon and gloom now.
  8. Istillc antbelieveitistillcantbelieveit... Thank you team. n know go and kick out Brighton and Bummuff.
  9. And Royal Mail works fine on the Island: it's arrived weekly, whether you want it or not.
  10. Dirty Leeds will get their way and win: either at whistle or penalties. They deserve to be in the championship, spent long enough there. We don't. But when did Saints get good luck ?.
  11. So why wait until now ??. Leeds belong here. We dont. But I've got an awful feeling.......2005 till 2011 all over again
  12. I didn't go, but Solent have just said that RM was sat during the match nodding and clapping ??. Muck Fee..........
  13. Can I get some of what you're taking.........
  14. Yepp, who cares. The players don't give a shit, so why do I.?. We'll be stuck here for years, just like Leeds were. It's the fact that Bummuff and Brightons bumboys gloating pisses me off. What's happened??
  15. And if he hadn't messed with the team back in the middle of February, we'd be celebrating like the Skates are today. Cannot see premiership next season.
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