FERK ME!! After Avram's regurgitating bulls-hit sob storys. We now have his West Country Cousins version of sob story bulls-hit!!!! lol COTTRILL A CLASS TW*T
I like how the media word it in such a way, as to imply were skint!! GET YOUR FACTS RIGHT!! WE DONT NEED THEY'RE MONEY !!!
Tell those cheeky so call top teams, to stop taking the P-ISS and FERK OFF!!!
Good result! Saints beat Premier league Blackpool (be it a reserve side or not, still Prem) Poopey lose to Brighton to confirm their position as No4 team in the south!lol And GULY has now cancelled that FERKIN TAXI!!!
2nd place,clean sheet, scored 8 in two games and only 1 conceeded, Burley Sacked. Just need Watford to beat Cheats FC, to make it the best new year ever!!!