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Everything posted by SOTONS EAST SIDE

  2. I told you buying these thick Fish fonderlers was an epic win!! (rubbing hands with glee) lol
  3. I did say in a earlier AOC thread that i heard Nicola said to them "ALL UP FRONT OR FECK OFF" proved he's no push over. And the previous ways the so called bigger clubs used our desperation for money against us. NOT THIS TIME!!! LOL WELL DONE NICOLA!!! WE'LL TAKE YOUR MONEY. BUT WE DONT NEED IT!! HA! HA! LMFAO
  4. While i dont agree with Hypos thinly veiled swipe at the the club, i understand his sentiments of us selling our talent. And not seeing them benefit us, rather than another club.
  5. Just posted by Simon Peach on Twitter. Alex Chamberlain will cost Arsenal up to £15m, as I understand it. #SaintsFC will get £12m up front & potentially £3m more in add-ons.
  6. Let him go. IMHO like Theo i dont think he'll improve at Arsenal. He will just get more exposure/ pressure.
  7. Ggoooooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllll
  8. Lets bring on De Ridder, as Guly looks a bit lost!
  9. COYRS you can do it!!
  10. Gooooooooooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
  11. COYRS lets do it!
  12. We've moved up to a coach!! lol
  13. Hark at you Fatty!!!
  14. What a load of Shi-ttu!!!
  15. Pancake you are quite a pedantic P-rick are'nt you!!!!
  16. He did say Chappers is completely bald, including no eyebrows!! lol
  17. Didnt say it was a GTI!! Stop making assumptions!!!! lol
  18. From what i heard Arsenal offered the £12m, £6m now the rest after apperances. And Cortese said if they want him they'd have to pay it all, or go away!!
  19. Stepson also worked on Chaplows motor, and said his missus is really fit!! lol
  20. My stepson spoke to him (today), after doing some work on his car. (07 Golf kitted up)
  21. Forget Chambo leaving, as he's not going anywhere till next season(maybe). And thats from the horses mouth so to speak!!
  22. Forget Chambo leaving, as he's not going anywhere till next season(maybe). And thats from the horses mouth so to speak!!
  23. Looks a bit like Poopeys support! But a few more. lol
  24. They may change the shirt. But the same stinking bodys wearing it!!!! Complete Joke!!!!
  25. Hey Dalek time to EXTERMINATE!!! your negativity on the lack of signings!! lol
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