I did say in a earlier AOC thread that i heard Nicola said to them "ALL UP FRONT OR FECK OFF" proved he's no push over. And the previous ways the so called bigger clubs used our desperation for money against us. NOT THIS TIME!!! LOL WELL DONE NICOLA!!! WE'LL TAKE YOUR MONEY. BUT WE DONT NEED IT!! HA! HA! LMFAO
While i dont agree with Hypos thinly veiled swipe at the the club, i understand his sentiments of us selling our talent. And not seeing them benefit us, rather than another club.
Just posted by Simon Peach on Twitter. Alex Chamberlain will cost Arsenal up to £15m, as I understand it. #SaintsFC will get £12m up front & potentially £3m more in add-ons.
From what i heard Arsenal offered the £12m, £6m now the rest after apperances. And Cortese said if they want him they'd have to pay it all, or go away!!